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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by 3-wt.

  1. thanks, all, for the responses. Much appreciated. From what I've found from additional searches this morning, at least one way is to mix up squirrel hair (NOT tail hairs - they're too long) as a dub (i.e. coffee grinder), and then use a dubbing loop. In reference to the Petitjean Magic tool, that seems to be appropriate for feathers (with stem), where you can jam that stem down into the tool, and then grab the barbs with a clip.
  2. When using squirrel tail to make a hackle (e.g. PT soft hackle) what are the steps to get the hair from the squirrel tail to a successful hackle? I'm currently trying a split thread technique, but all sorts of questions arise. Do you try to keep all of the squirrel hair tips aligned? Do you mix them around like dubbing? Also the hair wants to fall out of the thread fairly quickly before I can spin it, so tips on how to avoid that would be appreciated. Would a dubbing loop be easier? These are small flies (14, 16) so at what point do I trim the hairs to length, or how to get the correct length for the small flies? etc. etc. Thanks.
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