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john adams

Vladi Worm - v.

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GREAT looking annelid! :yahoo: I fished a similar fly a lot this year and it saved the day on more than one occasion. Also found a lot of aquatic worms in recent stream samplings. They're everywhere and trout love them! Great tie!

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Has the look of a sure producer - by the look of the fly it just asks to be fished slowly over calm, deep ponds holding big brownies :)


Out of curiosity: would this the fly be called Glajcha, or is it a different worm like fly?





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Hi John;

Well don, I like the addition of the pearlescent white band.


did you construct this fly with out lead underwraps? If so, how does it behave compared to weighted varieties.


Thanks in advance;



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This is my version - attractor . You can do it without lead and use the inside orange or red latex (realistic) .

You can also white with a brown version inside.


Cheers !


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Hi John;




Oh, by the way do you use the same source for latex as others??



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This is my version - attractor . You can do it without lead and use the inside orange or red latex (realistic) .

You can also white with a brown version inside.


Cheers !


Dear John Adams:

I can´t find a fu##ing PINK LATEX CONDOM :crying:

They offer me red,yellow,green,brown... but not a pink one.

Can you tell me the a name or i´ll tie a strawberry red one, too red for a earth worm but......


Thanks for all

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Hi Avelino;


What you want is made by crown condoms, I think it's also called natural color.



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