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Fly Tying
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C LeBo


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Been going through a serious trout fishing withdrawl lately, seeing I can't afford to get into the Sierra's and rain is killing local bass fishing, so grabbed a pencil and felt inspired. This was my first time attempting this type of art, seeing I've never strayed far from fly tying. The Kern was my first attempt, the Golden my second, and the bluegill my crown achievement!:rolleyes: :lol:



Thank You and Tight Lines,

Carson LeBoeuf








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Some talent you have there. I like the second from left best. I'll have a signed copy and then when you're the next Bern Sundell or David Millar (my favourite) I'll cash in.

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Thanks Piker! But I dont think that I'll ever get famous enough to where any of my stuff would be worth something!:rolleyes:

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