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Fly Tying

Snowmass Angler

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Posts posted by Snowmass Angler

  1. Every time I go anywhere I always bring TOO MUCH STUFF. I end up bringing enough to tie every and any fly from classic salmon to basic trout flies. My problem is I never know what I will be in the mood to tie - so I bring the whole lot. It sucks actually, it takes forever to pack and 98% doesn't get used, then there's unpacking.

    What I want to know is how does one go about bringing it back a little? Does anyone take just a few hackles instead of the whole neck? How and in what do you pack your materials? Pictures anyone?

    I need change.



  2. I agree, I use Whiting capes in Silver and Pro where I can get them. I am in the process of replacing all my old capes. They are basically useless to me after tying with Whiting. Especially with grizzly which tends to be webbier. Hate to have to do it, seems like a waste but all the Metz and others are just too stiff after tasting the fruit of Whiting. Real nice stuff. Real nice.

  3. I have all my feathers and hooks sent to work. No explanations necessary! Why it took me so long to figure that out is beyond me.

    Next thing she'll be asking for my bank statements...

    Why is it so hard for women to realize the importance of long-stemmed mottled peacock quills, Amherst Pheasant and bustard florican substitutes?? I mean, really, what's more important, an engagement ring or pile of exotic bird plumage??


  4. Ha! This is so funny! I've actually had my dog 'undress' three fully dressed atlantic salmon flies, some of my first actually. My girlfriend/fiance was pissed that I left them "out" (they were on the kitchen table).

    I don't know how he managed not to cut his mouth on the 3/0 hooks!!!

  5. I'm starting to notice a trend and was wondering if this was every brought up before.

    When you see a pretty rank fly on the board, the kind that makes you cringe, very obviously the first attempt by a beginner, I always see the reply: "Nice, that's very "fishy" looking"

    I think I broke the code. Fishy=Keep practicing because this fly really sucks!


    We've all seen flies on the board and said to ourselves, "what the @(#&$^ were they thinking??!"

    Well, we all gotta start somewhere!

    I'll keep tying those "Fishy" looking flies!



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