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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by narcodog

  1. There are differences in the Elk and deer and difference between white tail and mule or black tail. Deer hair on certain parts of the body are more hollow so the float and flair better. Elk hair is larger so it flairs differently. I use elk for caddis but for sparkle duns I use deer. Chis Helms is the man on hair look up his site.

  2. If you are talking about the brand new ones, no. If you are asking about the boots from last year, yes. I have used and like them, no problems. If you do decide to get them be sure to try them on. I usually wear an 81/2 - nine shoe and had to go to an 11.

  3. I'm not into production tying and I have more flies than I'll ever use but I still tie 1 or 2 every night. The last few nights I have been trying to get my flies straightened out as they are just a mess. My boxes are full and I have had to buy more storage boxes. I guess it's time to start giving some away again.

  4. Yes I'll check those books out.Thanks DOG.I found a fella on YOUTUBE who ties an amazing Dry fly his name is Davie McPhail and the video is called"Tying a spent gnat".Absolutely beautiful and worth taking a look.I've included a pic. of one of my nymphs-it's a crawler-and I've never missed with it.

    What's "Gordon" full name?


    Theodore Gordon, the father of dry fly fishing in the colony's.


  5. If you read books by Hewitt, skaters and spiders, Dette and Darby, Gordon, Rube Cross. You will gain a wealth of knowledge on drys. Art Flick has a great book and although he was not as meticulous as Darby and Dette in his tying he developed some great patterns. Hewitt was a very observant individual and conducted many experiments on flies. If you look at "A Trout and Salmon Fisherman" for seventy-five years he has numerous photo's albeit crude, that will show one how a fly sits on the water and water a trout may see.


    On of the problems that many "new" fly fishers is they are not aware of the history or the trial and errors that the old tyers went through to make there products better. They were professionals that they depended on for income so they like everyone else tied and discarded many flies because the proportions were not correct.


    It disturbs me when folks popo cane or natural materials over plastic and synthetics that the old stuff is blahzah(sic) and they don't try to use them. Would have the old tyers used new material, you bet they would have and they did as time went on. Harry Darby spent years perfecting his hackle. As did Doc Fried and the two of them along with a few others have given us the great hackle that we have available today. Whiting hackle has descendants to those great old tyers.


    Gordon adapted English flies to the new world as far as the bugs he fished for he them improved on what he first tied. If you would look at some of the flies he tied you would say how the heck did he ever catch fish with them, cause they are really crude compared to what we tie today.

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