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Fly Tying

Paul Davis

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Everything posted by Paul Davis

  1. Hi All Thanks for the welcome. Hi Monty - Green Spot that's a new one on me and I thought I had seen (or more accurately drunk ) nearly everything booze-wise on sale in the UK. (Top tip = the majority of it would be best used to thin your head cement when it has gone really thick!) I come to the USA a least once a year but have never yet had time to fly fish, even though I have been in all the good spots like wyoming, colorado or missouri etc -although I am planning a fishing trip to Alaska next year probably to the Alagnak. Paul
  2. :yahoo: I'm Paul from the UK - fanatical about tying and then fishing with them (although occasionally will tie just for show 'cos they can be damn pretty!) Been lurking for a while and finally posted this message as I have plucked up courage and actually worked out how to do it! Hopefully I can now work out how to post some flies to the database. Any tips to a newbee for photographing flies with a compact digital camera? :help: Cheers Paul
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