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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Mickalo

  1. oh yea dog & cat fur make some excellent dubbing materials. I have a ziplock bag full of our cat's hair. Very fine type fur and dubs quiet well. What surprised me is doesn't absorb water very much, nice if you want a slow sinking fly. Mike
  2. ok thanks for the info, never heard of that type of chenille before. Mike
  3. now that's a really nice spinner pattern, very well done Terje. One question is Polychenille like Ultra Chenille ? Mike
  4. I'll be tying up a few of these, slightly smaller, for our panfish and bass, tying the weed guard in that manner is so much easier. I tested it on a hook just to try it out, very simple and it'll do the job. thanks for sharing that handy tying tip. Mike
  5. looks like a great pattern, like the way you do the weed guard, never seen it done like that, very simple and effective. MIke
  6. Mickalo


    those are some nice flies. good job. Mike
  7. welcome to the forum. that's a great looking pink squirrel. I've used the same pattern with our local panfish with good success too. I'm sure your going to find this place a great place to learn & enjoy the fine art of fly tying. Mike
  8. thanks for the recipe. I think it has allot to do with the time year and where your fishing what works and doesn't atleast in my experience with Gills. Mike
  9. looks like a great panfish fly, and successful too Is that a chenille body or dubbed ? Mike
  10. Very nice SBS Terje. I don't really use much CDC in my fly tying, but this one I may try. Mike
  11. Here's a couple of web sites I found helpful when I first started tying: http://frontrangeanglers.com/newsletter/feb05/choosingthread.htm http://www.flytyingworld.com/classroom/95/1170-Threads.html hope they be of some help to you. I'm sure there are many others too. Also try google "fly tying threads charts and usage" may get you allot of info too. OOPS ... guess flytire posted about the same moment I did. Mike
  12. if interested here is an ebay seller I've been using for a couple of years now and get almost all my fur pelts from. these are the red fox hides they have now from $40-$60 range http://stores.ebay.com/Paulette-Fur-Company/_i.html?rt=nc&_nkw=Red+Fox+Hide&_sid=19759932&_sticky=1&_trksid=p4634.c0.m14&_sop=2&_sc=1 No affiliation just a great seller and provides excellent service. Mike
  13. I lucked out last fall picked up a complete soft tanned red fox pelt for about $45 from a great Ebay seller I use allot. It's classified as "Craft Grade" which is usually cheaper, and may some holes or damage, but for tying it's perfect. Enough to last me a life time ... or 2 Some really great stuff to tie with and blend with other materials. Mike
  14. Most all of your "Traditional Trout" fly patterns work quiet well for many other species, i.e. Crappie, Bluegills, Bass and many other fish. I don't fish for trout either, no trout streams in our area but I have always had allot of success with the PT & Hare's Ear nymph, Buzzer, Dry fly patterns, especially the EH Caddis patterns. So if you tie up allot of the trout flies they will most likely work for just about anything else you fish for, just need to adjust your proportions, hook size ... etc. Mike
  15. Like those bottom ones, look like some real great patterns. Did you use squirrel for the tail and coyote for the bodies ?? Coyote is a great material to work with, use it allot myself. Just picked up a batch of Lynx fur pieces gonna try that out, blend it with some muskrat or possum. Big fan of the natural materials. Mike
  16. Kinda of a next door neighbor here in N.W. Iowa. Haven't fished in Nebraska though. MIke
  17. thanks Ray great info, I've put this into my fly tying notebook. Mike
  18. Another excellent pattern Ray. I noticed you use a dry type hook with the last few Flymph patterns you posted, just wonder why not a std., wet hook or this just your personal preference ? Mike
  19. Nicely done, like the gold body & tail. I like using tails on many of the wet flies I tie. I find they help stabilize the fly. MIke
  20. Happy new year, another great pattern Ray, gotta luv those flymph patterns. Mike
  21. Sounds like Danville's Flat Waxed Nylon thread, a 210 denier. I believe in comes in about 18-20 colors. Mike
  22. Very nicely done, would make a great panfish pattern too. Mike
  23. I like the new look, very clean. As a System Admin for 3 dedicated servers I understand the priority for security espeically when using PHP programming. Mike
  24. Well we where all being to wonder here in my neck of the woods if we where going to have a white christmas or not .... well today we got our SNOW !! About 2-3 inches fell last night. Now north winds about 20mph and cold typical for this time of year now. It's really been a very mild winter here till now. Mike
  25. Well today our gas prices here in N.W., Iowa finally drop under $3 it's been quiet sometime since it's been under $3 here. Local station was at $2.98 this morning .... WOW! Hopefully this trend will carry into the spring & summer months then I can actually afford some traveling and a few road trips. Mike
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