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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by moskito_01

  1. Excellent! What material did you use to make the body? Andy
  2. "If you buy this rod for 800 bucks now, you know it`ll last you a lifetime."
  3. Sorry for my ignorance, but what`s the best way to tag your flies?
  4. If I want to finish the fly quickly, lets say dinner is waiting, I half hitch. Otherwise I whip finish. Why? Because this damn tool you have to use to perform the whip finish gets me every time. I need about three tries to whip finish once. It just confises the hell out of me. And yes, I had a pro show me how to use the tool. I guess I am just not into whips. Andy
  5. Thanks from this side of the pond as well, Mako. I`ll be sending you my adress for our transfer over the ocean. Andy
  6. Since the subject has come up in another thread, I would like to adress it here as well: Should we tag our flies? I say we all just post pics of them here. Whoever isn`t able to take pictures let me know, then I`ll post them after I got the flies. Andy
  7. @ daryn: I have caught carp on the "bread fly" It`s something like this or this. They seem to like it. Especially if they are used to being fed BREAD by old men and women. Other than that, any type of nymph has worked for me as long as it`s small and presented directly next to or little in front of the carp. Andy
  8. Hot Coffee which always gets cold because I forget about it. Just like the cigarettes I light, put in the ashtray and forget.
  9. I like to have it quiet around me (not only when I am tying by the way). That way I can enjoy the "sounds of tying", which, I just realized, would be great title for a christmas cd: Threads breaking, hackle ripping, head cement bottles falling over, hooks penetrating my finger tips and the sounds folling that, the sweet *ping* the hook releases when you flick it with your fingernail once its fixed in the vise and last but not least, myself muttering, swearing and calling the tying material names... so wonderful to have it quiet while tying. Andy
  10. moskito_01

    Best Avatar

    IT`s always season for my avatar ;-)
  11. those are really really nice! I am impressed.
  12. Welcome, I myself joined only a couple of weeks ago and already got an international swap going. Great guys on here!! You`ll like this site. Andy
  13. moskito_01

    What do you pay ?

    Ok, for all of ya`ll wondering where the high end is and thinking they are paying a lot to go fishing, this is how it works in Germany: If you want to fish you need a fishing license. Nothing new so far. BUT: You can`t just buy it over here. To get the license you have to take a test and, of course, pass it. In order to be allowed to take the test, you have to take part in a preperation class, which consists of roughly 60 hours of teaching/learning all about fish, tackle etc. Say you pass the test, which only about 70 % of the people who take it do, you still can`t go fishing. That`s because every piece of river, every drop of lake belongs to someone. And only that someone is allowed to fish their waters, or, to give out permits to people who wanna fish there. If YOU want to fish there, you have to pay the owner to get a permit. So to sum it up: The classes and test will cost you around 300 dollars. That is if you pass it on the first try. To obtain the factual license you get charged by your age. The older you are, the cheaper the license will be because it`s a lifetime deal. I don`t remember what I paid but it was around 300 bucks when I was 20. And dont tell me that`s not too bad for a lifetime fishing license. So that`s 600 bucks just to be allowed to go fishing. Which doesnt mean your able to go fishing yet because you need: The permit: Well that depends on where you want to go. I myself have spent 560 Euros on permits in 2004. That allowed me to fish on three sections of two different small rivers. No lake fishing there. The length of river I am allowed to fish on is aproximatly 12 miles. That`s it. That`s where the high end is. Andy
  14. I am not sure if white bass is the kind of bass I catch over here in Germany but if it is, here`s your fly: MINNOW It`s a killer for bass. Andy
  15. My first fish ever was caught on corn. I was 5. Trout was it`s name. I ate him. My rod at the time was a piece of stick cut out of the tree I was standing next to with about 10 feet of line tied to it, a hook and a pose. My grandpa had made that for me. First fish on a fly was a greyling in October of last year. It was caught on a little green and orange scud/Nymph type of fly. It rocked. I am addicted to flyfishing ever since that greyling attacked my fly and attack it did... Andy
  16. Good! I will most definitely try it out then.
  17. I haven`t used it, but would like to. Do you need "Access" to work with the program or did I get that wrong? Andy
  18. Talk about gas prizes. Here we pay around a dollar for a liter. That would be around four bucks for the gallon. You may now express your sympathies. Back to prizes: I can`t believe what I paid for scud backing the other day. I asked one of my buddies: What`s the difference between the scud backing and the bag it is sold in? "The prize" was his answer... Andy
  19. Fine by me. But other than that I would say that`s it. No more participants allowed after CapeBSalar. Everyone who joined pm me or Kingfisher and let us know whether you`re in the US/Canada or in Europe. Jimmy wil have to decide on his own. ;-) You will then receive the adress your flies have to be sent to, either Kingfishers or mine. AND don`t forget to enclose the envelope adressed to yourself. No envelope, no flies; no postage on your envelope, no flies. Andy
  20. Lol, never mind, I just saw it worked even though it told me it didn`t.
  21. How come I get a message saying I am not allowed to upload an avatar when I try to do so? And yes, the size was correct. Andy
  22. I will be tying the "scud" I had posted earlier in this thread. The colour may be different and there won`t be a tail on it.
  23. It took me several screams and a broken glass to figure out my ceramic bobbon holder was causing the problem. I am now using a cheap metal version. Threw the expensive one out the window, literally. I have yet tp break my thread with the cheap bobbin holder. So: Buy the cheap ones, they work better. At least for me they do. Andy
  24. So Nymphs it will be. I also agree with Kingfisher`s idea about the cost for international shipment. Lets roll...
  25. You got it Chucky. It`s fine with me if we don`t pick a certain size. I like the name "scud". Reminds me of missiles. Parcticipants are: Mako Welshtyer GerardG Jimmy Aw Leaky Waders B-rad RoyChristie xrayguy kingfisher hunthicks chucky and myself That`s twelve in all, so we`re set. I suggest Sunday, January 25th 2005 as the deadline. All flies have to be sent off to either Kingfisher or myself, depending on where you live. Participnats from the US and Canada send to Kingfisher, European tiers send to me. The flies have to be packed in a small plastic box or anything comparably safe. Include an envelope adressed to yourself for shipment of the flies you get in return. Of course the neccessary postage should already be on the envelope. Kingfisher and I will send the flies to each other. They will be spread to the others from there. How should we split up the cost for shipping to and from the US? Did I forget anthing ? Everyone post if the deadline is agreed upon or make other suggestions. Andy
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