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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by littleman

  1. Just what the doctor ordered. My "perscription" came today. Some really incredible midges. Glad I examined the inside of the envelope, yes, there were some loose flies in there. Thanks John for hosting a second round. Hopefully next year, I can still see well enough to tie up a bunch again. Those glo-lites are something else. I will have to get my maginfier out to really appreciate the work everyone put into these.


    recieved my flies today realy great flies everyone. Alpine fly i love htose glo lite emerger thingys and thanks for hosting

  2. For those of you who missed getting on the first list of Sno-Fly VII. Modern Midges Celebration swap, and did not want to miss out, I am hosting this second Sno-Fly Midge Swap !!!!!! Midges (Diptera/Chironomid) in any size; as long as they represent larva, pupa, emerger, or adult stage. Mail-In Deadline for this swap is January 1st 2010 (New Years) !!!!

    This is for those who did not get on the first list !!!!!!! Please Sign up !!!!!!! This fills fast, and if you snooze, you lose !!!!! :blink:



    1. John Larson (Glo-Lite Series Midge Emergers; Set of 3)

    2. Roy Christie

    3. Kevan J. Evans (Para Midges)

    4. ericsb

    5. Mikeytwoshoes (Shucka Khan)

    6. rich5665

    7. utyer

    8. blizz79

    9. Professori (Olive WD-40's)




    13. Box to be donated to Casting For Recovery !!!

    im in tbd

  3. so i bought some of Wapsi's egg yarn to tie up some eggs....and i have watched numerous youtube videos on how to tie them but all the videos there use mcfly foam and my eggs dont turn out like the ones tied with mcfly...so my question is....is there a big difference between the two brands or should both brands work equally the same?


    thanks :wallbash:

    hey. i never thought their was much of a diference. but if your having trouble rounding your egg very litley burn it with a litter its should round it more.

  4. This morning i went fishing at one of my favorite rivers the lehigh river. we know a secret spot their where we catch twenty plus fish every day,its basically a small water fall. so i was fishing the pool down below theh falls and out of no where my dad and i see a older couple just walkin. and so we talked to them a little and they seemed nice but we eventualy went are seperate ways. to get to the point as i started nymphing i had a fish take my fly and just as i set my hook i turn my head and bam theirs the couple bare naked waiting to swim where i was fishing. it was hard to hold back are laughs but we left very quickly. so i wanted to know what was your scariest funniest day of fishing.

  5. Alright so in all this time we have painstakingly aquired only 8 swappers, so I am going to close up this swap tomorrow and then we can all get to tying our flies. I can't wait to see everyones stuff.

    I thought we would fill this one up. Oh well.




    ok this should be cool i hope we get more people though.


  6. Littleman and clouser swappers,


    I am sorry but my flies will be in the mail tomorrow AM. I will be over the deadline by a day or two as they should arrive on Monday or Tuesday of next week. No excuses, just a busy month and my tying time has been nill.





    no need to worry its fine

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