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Fly Tying


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About DCof

  • Rank
    Bait Fisherman

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  • Favorite Species
    brook trout
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  1. Wow! it's me DCof, coming on line after a day of work. My post gave birth to a whole range of topics. Not sure if I should be pleased or wish I had kept my trap shut. But, no offense taken. Thank you to those who stood for some version of free speech and thank you to those who stood up for good posting etiquette and clarity of words. My point was to share disappointment with FE. I think I did that. Enough said on that point. While here - and realizing that introducing yourself before posting is good manners... I love to fish; l love to tie flies; I love being in wild places. I have been all that stuff for a big part of my 56 years. I love to spend time with people who love the outdoors, especially my sons. I spent my late teens and 20s in Canada's North, where I learned self-reliance and humility. I like people who don't take themselves too seriously. I am a Canadian. I like cold beer after a day of fishing. I work and fish in the US a lot. I am not a big talker/poster on sites like this (except for now I guess). I like this site because I can learn. Cheers, David (DCof)
  2. i am not pleased to submit a public complaint about FE but am left with few other options. I have bought several hundred dollars worth of feathers from FE over the years so it is justified. The current incident with the company deserves a public airing. In mid October I ordered and paid (Paypal) for a selection of feathers. I followed up with an email to ensure receipt. that went unanswered. Given that I live in Canada, I waited a couple of weeks, to allow for cross border shipping etc. Then i called and left a message, Then i waited again. Then i called again. Four weeks after the order and payment, I got hold of the owner on his cell phone; he claimed he knew nothing about my order. I reminded him that I had paid already and his lack of knowledge concerned me. I even asked if he was still in business. I sent two more emails, expressing real concern. No response. It's December 6 and I have heard nothing from Feather Emporium. I feel I am chasing someone who is trying to hide something. And yet, all I want are some feathers so i can sit around tying over my Christmas holidays! I don't like making public complaints but I dislike losing my money even more. A few simple changes would improve the business, improve customer satisfaction and drive more revenues(!). email response on every order acknowledging receipt (btw... that can be automated); a tracking system on orders; hiring a student part time to answer the phone, fix any complaints and try to add a few items to the order; improve the website!!. I am not saying that you should not use FE. But I am saying that he needs to improve his business, answer emails and send me my stuff!
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