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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by tucents

  1. Probably 1/10000 deer are checked. That number probably skyrockets outside the cervid population. I'd worry more about all the money I'll win in the lottery. Seriously though, I do wear gloves when processing critters. That's about it. And I don't process road kill. Ah okay, i guess its that roadkill thats built up bacteria or anything, most of the skins id try to process would be the ones i hunt for
  2. thats exactly what I'm talking about, is really worth it with all that being said? Clearly lots of people still do this but it worries the heck out of me!
  3. what about the bugs and disease? is there anything i do to disinfect them after/during drying period?
  4. Is there a way i can check how much they are charging for it in canadian dollars besides doing currency conversion,
  5. 5/6 weight for sure, i was hoping for a combo so i don't have to piece it together! Thank you for your suggestion though.
  6. Ah I'm having a hard time deciding now! I want to get on the water so bad and am itching to get out! I'm worried that a 5 wt is not heavy duty enough as bass can get up to about 4Lbs from where i am (London, Ontario). I thank you for all you input just going to try and crunch some numbers on a tight budget right now due to going back to school for my apprenticeship . I previously have owned better rods (Okuma, Loop,TFO) than what i posted. Just wanted to see if people had major problems with this thing. I Think i might just grab it to get on the water and move up the ladder form there! as for the reel i probably will end up upgrading to a 5/6 wt reel. And another question, if my rod is weighted for 5 weight line and i want to put 6 weight line, would it effect my casting abilities?
  7. Hey guys, does anyone on here preserve there own skin/hyde that they have either found or saved from hunting? I frequently hunt and would like to keep parts of the animal for fly tying but have so read so many things about parasites, diseases, bugs, and all that good stuff. It really worries me and if someone could point me in the right direction of how to properly do it and be safe with it!
  8. Whats everyones opinion on this combo? It will be my new beginner combo, its currently on sale for 119. Im worried that if i hook a large bass or pike it would break the rod. thoughts and opinions greatly appreciated! just seems more economic for me as of now. Just want to get back into the sport. http://www.amazon.com/Scientific-Anglers-Fly-Fishing-Outfits/dp/B00CWMGG9S
  9. Ahh I see I. Guess I may just have to stick with the regular stuff the thanks
  10. I am going ice fishing in a few weeks and i was wondering what flies would be good to use on a regular ice fishing pole, the area were fishing in is infested full of pike and pickeral! so im just wondering what flies would you guys would pack in your arsenal? I havent been ice fishing before with regular bait or flies so this is a new one for me!
  11. thanks for answering ym questions folkds you all have been a great help!!
  12. And to protect the paint could I paint over he fly with head cement?
  13. thanks a lot guys for the input you all have been very helpful
  14. There we go but yah it seems they sit lopsided and that's okay?
  15. I'll take a picture for you guys to see then tell me what you think
  16. Hey guys I'm new to the forums here, I am currently having problems with my poppers rear end sinking in the water(testing it in the bathroom sink ) and I'm not sure if that's a problem but could anyone tell me why it's doing that or if its normal? Btw they have hackle and Krystal flash (fully painted,dressed and 3D eyes). If someone could give me some tips would be appreciated thanks very much folks! EDIIT** Thanks everyone for there opinion, also i want to ask one more quesiton, how do i make the paint on my fly more durable to bass attacks? can i coat them all over with some head cement?
  17. Hey guys I'm new to the forums here, I am currently having problems with my poppers rear end sinking in the water(testing it in the bathroom sink ) and I'm not sure if that's a problem but could anyone tell me why it's doing that or if its normal? Btw they have hackle and Krystal flash (fully painted,dressed and 3D eyes). If someone could give me some tips would be appreciated thanks very much folks!
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