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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by flymph_52

  1. When come back again to this website / forum I became shocked about the many negative reactions concerning my post about the MPJ #25.. Understands this: All placed topics can become placed from readers World wide and have to translate their post by ( in this case) Google translate.... This is something also a moderator has to know for sure.. But nevertheless :There are rules of decency isn't it mister moderator? Comments which are not decent dealt with others and other people's opinion is not decent respected , shall not be posted. This most certainly important rule of decency grants a cozy and friendly Website. And in this case lacks decency. For me reason to say: I shall delete my account because I don't discover the smallest reason to stay member of this community... Good luck to you all.... Peter
  2. Actually, against my better judgment I would and should then go on stag and purchase a bizarre expensive Bobbin holder Marc Petitjean #25 through Ebay. The MPT 25 .. Cost about $ 70 excluding shipping costs. Then you may still expect a product that you do surprise of ingenuity. Let's be honest, for that price you still buy 3 lovely and very good working Stonfo Bobbin holders ..Yes I also have a few of them and with great satisfaction for sure… In my simplicity a genius, no, brilliant thought but there was waiting for me a real cold shower .... At first glance it seems like a nice gadget because it looks undeniably, very slick. Entirely of stainless steel and there are some clever little extra which made a serious fine dubbing job into an ethereal experience to do. Quickly a new pair of Danville Flymasterand 8/0 spools and ............. So when I started applying the threat to the string which must be entered in a special way, for me, after some 50 attempts and a glass Single malt, almost time to go firmly on the Prozak ... Threads Danville Flymaster 6/0 and 8 / 0 split very quickly or be slashed in the special eye if I want to do it in the manner indicated in the brochure which is included in the package as well as on several You Tube instruction movies to see. In desperation and a decent deception richer, I push the tip of the threat directly against the small eye ... What a horrible absurdity ... No, here I am clearly not much positive about it. Of course I have the producer of this product given the opportunity to respond to my planned placement of this article but of them, no sign of life ..
  3. Sorry guys, The pictures placing is going wrong... Read the article Renzetti / Tiemco applicators......
  4. I have received the past month the by “Chifly” ordered applicators from Renzetti and Tiemco as well. And to be honest, I was surprised about the Tiemco applicator when opens the package. A brilliant machined top quality product and I am sure it shall find many satisfied customers. The oversized wide bottom part is filled with cork what gives the very stable applicator more grip at the desk. A product where is seriously thought about. The needle, and in this case the needle holder is an explicit part of the lock system. Is this applicator worth the money? This is a subjective state of mind. I like to works with good quality products so it gives me not only a good feeling when works with but also a certain pleasure when just only looks at it when busy with my PC or reading some magazines etc… To give a better view at the applicators I place some pics……..
  5. Internet shopping.... Because, the lack of good quality fishing shops in Indonesia. To be more specific; Fly fishing shops, I have to order my “needs” by Internet. Mostly I do visit Ebay and buy my products and paid with Pay Pall. In the beginning of my shopping, this did have some inconveniences because, many fraudulent morons where, and still be busy in this country at Internet. For many shop owners, reason to refuse delivery to Indonesia. But, because I am a Dutchman and not really unknown in the fly fishing scene I succeed after introduce my selves, most of the time without the smallest problem so far. Because of my “new home”, I have to create a nice fly tying desk and like also to renew some tying tools. Why?, I do not know for sure but when see beautifully made tying tools or fishing equipment’s, I become greedy.. It is said, these feelings most wife’s experience’s when walking around in a shopping mall… The most of my fly tying tools I use for more than 25 years. I realized I do needs one or a few applicator jars for finishing the flies but also for builds up the flies. I did find the Dyna King applicator and a link to this forum where a serious problem was placed about the swelling of the plastics inside of this most certainly not cheap applicator. This “topic” starts in 2010. It gives me a deception to see, this problem is still not solved so far… Of course I did find also the Tiemco applicator but, the insane price level at Ebay of US$ 60+,= is for me no option because this is excluding insane overrated shipping costs and makes this applicator a very expensive aberration... Reason for me, starts hunting like crazy for some Renzetti jars. But at Ebay they are also not cheap isn’t it. Fortunately I also use the website;”The Find”… This website shows me a shop named: Chicago Fly-fishing Outfitters. www.chifly.com My friends, this shop is a blessing believes me. Go and look for your selves because, I am sure, you all shall become a regular customer. Maybe by visiting this beautiful looking shop, otherwise by visits their Website. Good quality products and a more than reasonable price level. I have bought some Renzetti applicators first for a very reasonable price. And a few days later the very reasonable priced Tiemco jar as well. Tight lines, Peter
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