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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by J-Kno

  1. Anyone here going to be at the Fly Fishing Show in Denver this weekend? I will likely make it down on Sunday... Family in tow...lol


    My 5y/o daughter LOVES everything about fishing. Last year FFF had a booth with helping kids tie a fly on their own (pretty much). They do a great job.


    She asked to tie a fly the night before last. She choose the bead, thread. I asked if she wanted to rib it and add "something" to it so it got silver wire and a pearl thorax. She called it "princess" and the green one was stuff I had laying around on the desk, but I forget what she named it. I let her wind the thread, tie in the materials and use the rotary handle on the vise while I guided the mylar, rib & peacock. I held the herl while she tied it off. She held the whip finisher and I guided her hand. She made all the cuts on the thread and materials. I'm beginning to doubt she is my kid as she didn't cut the bobbin thread until it was time... lol.




  2. ".. the hardest thin was getting a money order (never got one before) and this was because I wanted to hide the purchase price from my wife and didnt want to write out a check which would have left incriminating evidence of my purchase wink.png"

    You are DOOMED!!! lol. The only way we have been able to keep our hobbies and not fight about it is we each get $100 a month for whatever we want to use it on. It is not subject to criticism nor ridicule. If there is something outside of that amount that we want, we'll talk about it, before purchasing.

  3. My personal preference is synthetic for posting, unless using a turkey flat. I like just a wee less "chunk" to the body. They both look good.


    Every fly I tie I can find something to improve upon. I think A.K. Best said (I may be paraphrasing) "I don't think I know a fly until I have tied 100 dozen of them" (emphasis added). So I have to ask, how many dozen of these have you tied so far? lol.


    One thing I have done is to take a picture of a fly hook and then take a picture of a local natural and enlarge them to fill a full sheet of paper. I will take both and put them on a light box with the "hook pic" on top to mark the "stations" (tail length, body, thorax, wings, legs, head). Before the light box I would just measure out the proportions on the enlarged hook then make marks on an actual size hook picture. With the real hook in the vise, I can hold up the picture to compare each step. Just an idea that has worked well for me so far.

  4. I love squirrels too... mostly browned in a cast iron skillet then put in the crock pot with potatoes and carrots for a few hours.


    I read a book a long time ago about the "Trieste" mission, and I'm sure I remember the pilots remarking they saw a small "flat fish" (like a flounder) on the bottom at the deepest point... so, deepest fish?

    Last time I had fried squirrel was in 1987... Loved it! First exposure to Bread Pudding as well. Went to St. David, IL.


    Shoebop nailed it. Unbeknownst to my wife, I use her rotary cutters and straight edge (on her cutting mat), Works brilliantly.

    Hmm, I think I have a covert mission planned now. Pretty sure she was cutting fabrics this weekend, everything is out already,

    so I won't have to worry about putting things back in the wrong place.


    Take a picture before moving anything, then, put it back, exactly how it was before. You may need to wipe things down as they can smell testosterone on those items...

  6. Thanks for the tips guys, I really appreciate it.


    It did seem ambitious but I was told to have about 11-12 patterns for the 2 hours, and a few extras, just in case. I just took my time and tried to tie a good fly. I did cut my thread once and need to be mindful of my shirt color selection as I was the backdrop for the video. More light would have helped as well. Any time I do "public" speaking I get nervous, especially on things I am passionate about.


    It really was a rewarding experience, especially afterwards helping people select materials and talking fishing. I am on the list for next tying season and will likely do some other venues.

  7. Mostly knots.... lol. Sorry...


    Here is what I tied:

    Partridge & Orange

    Soft Hackle Pheasant Tail

    Biot Midge

    Lightning Bug

    Go2 Caddis variant

    Lite Brite Soft Hackle

    Woven Go2 variant


    I had these lined up as well, but didn't get to them:

    Copper Bead PT

    Bear's Baetis (aka Big Bear's Baetis)

    Garcia's Mini Hot

  8. I gave my first Fly Tying Demo today at the Elkhorn Fly Shop in Loveland, CO this morning. Seems my expectations and reality never match up like I intend...lol.


    I was expecting 4-5 guys there, just some people I know through the shop, since it was announced as my first time giving a demo.

    I was expecting the coffee I drank before hand to give me just a little "lift".

    I was expecting to be more entertaining than educational.


    Let's just say I am one for three...


    I learned as much, if not more than those that attended. Some of those things included:


    This place draws a big crowd, 30 people showed up!... must have smelled the "fresh meat"

    Man, was I was shaking like a dog pooping peach seeds... I will start my next demo with a Bloody Mary instead of coffee...

    I had a great time explaining each fly, how I tie it and why it is important to me. Each fly led into the next or had a connection.

    I might be a better story teller than fly tier.


    I am truly thankful for those that showed up and to the staff & owner that gave me an opportunity to tie.


    Tight lines my friends!

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