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Fly Tying

George Werbacher

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About George Werbacher

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  • Birthday 08/16/1968

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  1. Pat yourselves on the back you all deserve it. Thanks for saving me the headache of utilizing the forums resources to learn how to improve. We should burn all the books that don’t comply, maybe impose fines. You win.. side note..this is what was posted.insulting and rude. Not you Mark I understand and wish tour forum continued luck. Shoebop..isnt worth replying about.. Posted in The Royal Wulff 7 hours ago, Mark Knapp said: Hi George, Here's the problem as I see it. Fly tying is steeped in tradition. Many of these flies have been tied the way they are for a long time. They call for specific hooks and specific materials. When I became a moderator here, I made it a point to try and make this a kinder place for people to post, but quite honestly when I saw your first post of the simulator I knew you were going to have a hard time here. Many people tie for a long time before posting a video. They practice and perfect the craft. To post a video that shows a poorly tied fly and label it, "How to ..." when it's not the way to tie it is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way. At first you were taking the critique in a good way, now you're starting to get heartache over it. The problem is not that you are a new tier, and not that you like to video your work. The problem, as I see it is, that you are posting "how to" videos on incorrect flies. You could title them "My take on the ..." or "A variation of the ..." You would need to put in there that you used certain materials because that's what you had on hand. You can tie what ever you want but don't call it what it's not. These people can get cranky. The job of us moderators is to keep things from getting out of hand. If these posts get out of hand we will have to delete them. If you are here to learn, learn. These guys are really trying to be kind. Well said Mark! I made an attempt to say the same thing but it just bounced off his hard noggin. It was at this point that I decided it wasn't worth the headache to say anything further. George clearly doesn't get it. In a couple of years he will look back at this and probably be a little embarrassed at his vanity. The audacity of taking a specific, long established and well known pattern and use the wrong materials and even the wrong hook and then say this is how to tie it...(with poor technique) makes me shake my head in disbelief. Please George, continue to tie and use whatever materials you want and modify them all you want...just don't tell us "this is how you tie a _______."
  2. I will watch Orvis videos. I stay away from videos where the pattern doesn't match what I am working on or the person does there own unique take on a fly. I like the pictures but really want to learn the procedures like what you just shared. Leo just got stuck in my head and I have been known to call people by their wrong names for years. I was at the beach all weekend and asked Alexa to set the alarm. it never went off because it was the ice cube bucket. Good tip..will start today..start the thread two eye distances from the eye unless the pattern calls for something different. thank you
  3. having a little fun..rough day at work. It is actually something I was thinking about with all the talk about materials and cost. lol..my wife calls me unique and I am not sure if that is a compliment..lol
  4. I wanted to share something I just tied about 10 minutes ago. It isn't about the pattern or how the fly looks..but 6 months ago I couldn't tie this let alone in 10 minutes. Can someone tell me whats unique about the fly?
  5. Thats awesome. the truth is though is everyone here participated in that one (beat me up almost as bad as the this one ( rename it The Royal Pain in A..)..How about the FTF Stimulator. Thats got a nice ring.
  6. I know and actually respect your opinion. Critique the bug and I promise you if it is true..i will make another video as i get better and show how to improve. If the title was how to tie a professional bug, Bug video taught by a professional I would agree. Thats a lot of bugs..You need to make a video..probably do it blindfolded. In my book. There are two things to becoming an expert. The first is the knowledge of the subject and without learning correctly it will never happen. The second is the motivation to keep learning and improving. The problem is we all start off motivated but lacking knowledge and after time we have the knowledge but the motivation is gone. I have the motivation and I can assure you I will develop the knowledge and keep the motivation. thats is really a lot of bugs.
  7. Yeah. In my book. There are two things to becoming an expert. The first is the knowledge of the subject and without learning correctly it will never happen. The second is the motivation to keep learning and improving. The problem is we all start off motivated but lacking knowledge and then we have the knowledge but the motivation is gone. I have the motivation and I can assure you I will develop the knowledge (especially when people try to act superior, offer crappy advice, or just be a troll). The problem with trolls is they belong under the bridge but ending up scaring the fish I am trying so hard to learn how to catch.
  8. I will pass on that. The idea is you dont have to be an expert to tie them and fish with with them. I add how long I have been tying so people might have the confidence to give it a try. I dont offer to sell them, or teach, I just share. Cmon man..you only have to be an expert to post something on Youtube or share. I dont even have any more of response to that.. I should just give up..call it quits and not try and learn correctly..maybe buy them from you or a shop.
  9. Thanks, .best advice ever...I have said and been told the same thing in art reproduction for years. Do you have an extra one tied by Leo or Joan I can take apart. Lol, just messing around. The critiquing on this forum actually motivates me to more hours on the vice paying attention to subtle details. With each tie I take more and more notes and practice more and in a few months will revisit and compare. In a few years maybe I will be able to post here with a few less obvious mistakes. The only people who don’t make mistakes are the ones not doing anything.
  10. Don’t really watch other videos. Just books and photos. Didn’t catch that ostrich and peacock mix up and will have to correct that. I tie in by the tip because I always crowd the eye. Rookie mistake. I am also confused on video title..I was tying a royal Wulff and not a coachman and pretty sure some subtle differences. Thank you for the great feedback. I don’t do other peoples videos because I really try hard for my own interpretation and hope people like you point out the mistakes. I am on a really limited budget for materials and find the best hook I can. Someone posted that I shouldn’t tie without proper materials. Lol...been oil painting for years and never told anyone not to paint without specific materials. We learn to adapt and work with what we have on the table.
  11. 14 days and counting till I open the camp.
  12. I started tying in August of last year and have dived in head first. The name Leon and Joan Wulff came up so much in my readings I was in awe at the detail and time spent taking this sport to such a high level. I realized the more I learned that I was only touching the very tip of so much passion and knowledge trying to be shared. This pattern has stood the test of time, can be fished all season, and so many patterns have sprung from this pattern. I wanted to share the base and hopefully expand this into a series of patterns who drew their inspiration from it. Rolling out the carpet..or shall I say the red silk skirt for The Royal Wulff.
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