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Alex C.

Material Database

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Is there anything in the works to make a database for tying materials? Bud started posting pics and descriptions of misc. salmon tying materials, and since others have begun making contributions. It's a really great thread but as more and more is added and time goes on it will be harder to find "what you're looking for", etc.


So how about a tying materials database similar to the pattern database? I'm sure it's no picnic writing all the code for something like that, but it would be a great addition to the site and is something that isn't out there all in one place yet.


I was thinking about it on my way into work and one suggestion I have, should it get the green light, is to set it up similar to how the editor program was first set up where only a select few could add info to the database. Cause we really wouldn't need 20 people submitting a pic and description of 20 different ringneck pheasants for example. Maybe set it up so there are three base categories, Full Dressed Salmon Flies(including speys, dees, etc.) Standard Fishing Flies, and Realistic Flies. Of course there will be materials that are commonly used for all three and they could be set up so someone would see them on the "index" for each main category. But this way you could still keep them seperate so for example, if a guy was looking at realistic materials he would still see that GP tail is often used for legs


maybe ask for volunteers, (ideally people who have a lot of stuff) who would be willing to photograph the different things they have, then write a brief description about the material, how much it costs, what it subs for, or substitutions for it, how big it is, etc. Then once it is unveiled for everyone to see, ask the rest of the membership if anyone has something not on the list they would like to contribute. They could email a pic and any info they have to one of the people with the ability to add new materials to the database and then that person could put it in.


You could even go another step further and have an index for hooks as well.


Just a thought, and I'd hate to see Will get to do any fishing this year :P

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