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Fly Tying

Hans Weilenmann

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About Hans Weilenmann

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    The Netherlands

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  1. Excellent - thanks! Both ePub and Mobi version pulled in
  2. Fright Night Hook: Tiemco 7999 #6 Thread: Benecchi 12/0, red Abdomen: Tinsel, silver flat Flash: Krystal Flash, claret - four strands Thorax/shroud: Seal's fur (or substitute), claret and black mixed - in split thread Hackle: Natural black Cheers, Hans W
  3. Coppertone Hook: Grip 14723BL #14 Thread: Benecchi 12/0, black Tail: Lemon woodduck barbs Abdomen: Krystal Flash, copper Wing: Z-lon, silver - tied sparse and short Thorax: Squirrel - in split thread Cheers, Hans W
  4. Thanks Silver - this one even available to those outside North America ;-) Cheers, Hans W
  5. Start with the amount of hair you want to use, spin to encircle the shank 360 degrees. Push butts back, fix their angle with thread pressure and whip finish. Use scissers to rough-shape the head.
  6. The Rusty Muddler is a simple no-nonsense muddler style pattern - all work and little flash ;-) Rusty Muddler Hook: Partridge GS3 #10 (or equivalent streamer hook) Thread: Black 6/0 Body: Brite Blend, burnt orange Wing: Lemon woodduck, tied hugging the body Head/collar: Deer hair, sparse Cheers, Hans W
  7. Actually I tie in thread and hackle at the same time, one operation ;-) There is no thread in front of the hackle tie-down point. This way my head is only a three turn whip finish. Cheers, Hans W
  8. The Shuttlecock Caddis is an effective variation on the standard Shuttlecock design. This Caddis Emerger is fished either in tandem with a sub-surface pattern, such as the Backstop Caddis, or by itself during a caddis hatch - generally to devastating effect. Shuttlecock Caddis Hook: Scud hook, medium wire #12-16 Thread: Black, 6/0 (or color of your choosing) Abdomen: SLF Finesse, golden olive Rib: Tying thread Wing & wing buds: CDC, natural Thorax: Squirrel, in split thread Video here - please view in hi rez, if able: Cheers, Hans W
  9. The Backstop Caddis, originated by Paul Slaney, is a caddis emerger pattern which is often fished in tandem with a bushy dry fly, or as a sub-surface pattern by itself. Backstop Caddis Hook: Tiemco 2499SP #14-18 Thread: Benecchi 12/0, tobacco Veiling: Z-lon, silver Underwing: CDC, natural Wing: Deer hair, sparse Thorax: Squirrel - in split thread Video here - please view in high rez, if able: Cheers, Hans W
  10. Drowned Black Caddis Hook: Grip 12804BL #14 (or equivalent) Thread: Benecchi 12/0, black Body: Wire, black Wing: Magpie tail barbs Hackle: Black Cheers, Hans W
  11. The very one. Well, more like infamous ;-)
  12. Dick Turpin Hook: Partridge Emerger/Nymph hook, grey shadow #16 Thread: Benecchi 12/0, black Body: Tinsel, gold flat Wing: Golden Pheasant breast feather barbs, dyed dark purple Hackle: Ringneck pheasant neck feather, metallic dark blue Note: These Partridge Emerger/Nymph hooks are sized unusual - #16 is closer to a standard #12. Cheers, Hans W
  13. Another one with a bit of a hot spot - for winter fishing Hangman Spider Hook: Kamasan B175 #12 Thread: Benecchi 12/0, black Hackle: Hen mallard neck feather Rib: Wire, silver fine Tag: Glo-Brite #2 (pink) Body: Fox squirrel (or hare's ear) - in split thread Cheers, Hans W
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