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Fly Tying


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About wildwilly

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  1. What model and size of hook did you use for the GurgleHops?
  2. Palomino Midge Emerger Tied as described in Davie McPhail’s 2016 Youtube video with Hareline EZ Magic Dub instead of Veniards Easy Dub Micro Chenille for the body and Saber 7259 hooks (16 and 18) instead of a Fulling Mills FM1510 hook.
  3. Grey Booby Minkie. Works on both a floating line and a sinking line.
  4. I've always liked the simple hair wing streamers. Easy and quick to tie. Old time but still effective.
  5. Capt LeMay, Tied on an Ahrex SA250 size 2 which has a slight curve so that the snaffle holds the tail at a nice angle. Right now I'm a full time caregiver for my wife but some day I hope I can come fish with you. Bill
  6. Was intrigued by Dave Hise's video of a streamer using a Mini Dragon Tail so bought materials and tied the pictured flies. Haven't got them wet yet but think bass in my local park pond will like them. They are tied on a stainless hook so might also be used for baby tarpon. What'cha think Capt. LeMay?
  7. I've always liked Scott's patterns.
  8. Very nice. Is the bunny strip two-toned, ie back and purple? If not, how did you get the purple tip on the tail?
  9. I like the translucency of those streamers.
  10. I bought and have read the Beatty's book on weaving. I found several of the description hard to follow. An extra photo or two would have helped in these cases. If you are really interested in a particular weave I recommend you search on it and compare writeups with those of the Beatty's. There are generally better ones out there. One of the Beatty's writeups, the Houdini Weave, just starts wrong. so definitely search for the originator's videos.
  11. Looks like a combo of a Pheasant Tail and Hare's Ear Nymph, two famous "parents".
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