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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by navigator37

  1. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by navigator36: Jiggy Fly
  2. Thanks for the input everyone. You guys do have a point about the difference between bait fisherman and flyfisherman. Scenting a fly if i have to, does sometimes make me feel like a dishonest flyfisherman, but if I feel I may have contaminated a fly with something, I'll mask the scent anyways. I didn't know about scenting a fly being illegal in some places. Thanks for the reminder to everyone. As far as attracting the fish to the fly, I do believe that the shape, action, and color of the fly should be the prime directive of attracting fish in fly fishing.
  3. Just wondering if any of you have tricks to mask any odors that are unpleasant to the fish. Do you consider the scent of the fly to be important? Odors like tobacco residue, sweat, or even the smell of any trace chemical could turn fish off, especially trout. I found out that sometimes even fishing small size 20 chironimid pupae, that smoking and then tying a fly on to my tippet was a big mistake. Common sense I guess but my hands were wet and I tied a fly on not realizing how much it would affect my fishing. The water on my fingers even with fairly washed smokers hands was enough to turn the fish off of my flies. I tried several things that worked through the years. 1. Bug guts. Any bugs you can get. make a paste out of them ( yeah, I'm mean) and knead it onto the fly. Works great. 2. Soil. Take some peat type soil from around the lake and rub it onto the fly to give it a more earthy smell. 3. Certain bottled bait scents. I like Ultra Clam sticky liquid. Not much luck with bottled Power Bait scents though. I think trout everywhere are sick of smelling that stuff by now. 4. A freshly caught minnow. Keep it with you and rub the fly on the minnow's body slime. Leech slime also works. Snail slime as well. What's your opinion?
  4. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by navigator36: Little Tuffy Micro Leech
  5. I gave up trying to tie them and switched to tying the ' mud caddis'. It's an ugly, full body deer hair pattern that works well. Floats like a cork too. Just spin the deer hair from the back to the front and trim to shape.
  6. Looks great. I've been brainstorming a tiny shrimp pattern so this really helps. Thanks.
  7. Looks deadly. Gotta try some.
  8. For varnish, I use Loon water based cement for the first thread wrap and once in between the wraps. Once the body is colored and finished, I always use Hard as Nails. I know it's a lot of times to varnish it, but I like durability in these patterns. I started making these from experiences I had as a little kid. I always used bait back then at trout lakes, ending up with a tiny trout or two. Every now and then, another kid would come along and fish with a small rapala. I always got frustrated when he would wind up with a big rainbow or brookie. This pattern is kind of the fly equivalent of those tiny rapalas.
  9. Glad you like them. I know a lot of people probably tie similar patterns. This method is so easy, just had to post them in case anyone hasn't tried it yet. Here's my usual attempt of a perch fry. Bigger perch hit these. Go figure...
  10. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by navigator36: The Micro Minnow
  11. Great tie! I find it difficult to tie complex small patterns and i really like this one. Think I'll give it a shot.
  12. Thanks a lot. I started using the Carrie Steven's 10x long hooks for this pattern. I can't say enough good things about those hooks. They are impressive.
  13. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by navigator36: Big-O Bucktail
  14. www.anglersworkshop.com I just ordered some 2/0 and size 2 Carrie Stevens 10x hooks from them. Haven't gotten them yet. 8.60$ for a ten pack.
  15. Great tie! I like the way it narrows out in the water. With a stop and go retrieve it would really pulse in the water.
  16. Thanks. I know I use a lot of thread on some patterns but it makes the fly extremely durable, fish after fish.
  17. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by navigator36: Beadhead Boatman
  18. Thanks you guys. As I mentioned in the writeup, I use this in a larger size as more of a trolling fly. In smaller sizes you could be comfortable casting it. It's a difficult tie for me so I don't tie many of them. It's always tough for me to wrap the wire around the rabbit fur and separate the fur matting properly as the wire is wrapped around. I found that moistening the fur with some water on the fingers makes the fur more workable with less fluff and static.
  19. I usually tie them that way for the more tapered design. However, adding a different thread up front can also add an extra color. I occasionally have the cone or bead at the eye, but hate tying off behind. Don't know why really.
  20. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by navigator36: The Silver Seeker
  21. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by navigator36: Dual Pike Matuka
  22. Glad you liked the fur ball one Futzer. And yep, Big Bird by the way is 8 feet 2 inches tall. That's a lot of feathers.
  23. When you run into a grizzly in the woods and taunt him into a fight. There's a two percent chance you can live and get away with a fist full of his hair. When you go to the barbers and check out all the colors and textures of hair on the floor. When your girlfriend's cat coughs up a fur ball and you run up and grab it, putting it into your pocket...pre blended dubbing!!! You dawn scuba gear in hopes of swimming up underneath a mallard...surprise attack. You go to the pet shop to pick out a puppy and request a breed that sheds the most hair. Your girlfriend keeps asking you where all of her dental floss is. You begin to envy people with excessive body hair. You have compulsive thoughts about Big Bird on Sesame Street. Think about it.
  24. I cut slots in some and some not. I'm not sure what I like the most. Depends on the fly and what size it is I guess. The cigarette tins are solid metal and were 4$ a piece from a tiny shop in a mall I go to. I like the video game case idea and the altoid idea too. I'll have to check those out.
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