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Fly Tying


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About Crotalus

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  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    Enola, PA

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  1. I have found spinnerbait skirts to be more durable than the legs packaged for fly tying. Also there is a much better array of colors.
  2. or you could use tinsel over lead wire for a cool ribbed look. Who says you have to "have" a smooth body?
  3. I really enjoy using my Rite bobbins, have been slowly replacing my Griffins and tiemcos over to Rites. I keep several colors and types of thread spooled at all times, i really dislike switching from a Rite to a Tiemco.
  4. This might be a good place to use the prism tape eyes. Flatten the end of the dumbbell, use super glue to hold the eyes on then add a dollop of epoxy or CCG to create the 3D effect.
  5. 2 wt rod with size 6 foam hoppers when I am specifically fishing for bluegill. Fun as hell.
  6. I thought of that, but every once in a while I have hooked other things in my boat that I didn't think stuck up far enough. With that above my shoulder for filming, I think the video would consist of shots of leader and flies wrapped around the camera and if audio is included, sounds of me cussing like a crazy person. I am right handed so the fly very rarely goes over my left shoulder. I also keep my extra rods on the left side of the boat and focus my casting on the right side.
  7. I am switching to the head mount for wade fishing this year, I used the chest mount last year, but lost a lot of good footage because my hands were in the way. In the kayak I set it up on a pole over my left shoulder.
  8. Eh i wasnt making any claims about functionality, merely aesthetics. i cant comment negatively or positively on either vise as I have not used them. I just dont care for the looks of the j-vise. I know there are tons of rabid j-vise users that will defend its honor but I dont like the way it looks and would not like to sit down daily and tie flies on it.
  9. Not sure how much I would use the parachute tool, unless tying parachutes of course. But the vise itself doesn't look too bad. Better looking than a J-vise in my opinion
  10. Sometimes, depending on the water I am fishing and the fish i am targeting and whether I am wading or in a boat or bank fishing
  11. Supposedly rubber is also better for the fish as there is less damage to the slime layer.
  12. Fly Tyers Dungeon Shuck Yarn might work
  13. Thanks I am a better tyer than web designer. The site is a continual work in progress to make it look better. I need to find an artist and a web designer that want to trade services for flies
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