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Fly Tying


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About blizz79

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/04/1979

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    Boise, Idaho
  1. What a great collection of flies! Sorry all for the delay in getting the box in the mail, but it is now on its way.
  2. Box arrived. What a set of flys. Should have a chance to go through it and get it out by the end of this week, early next week.
  3. I would be interested as-well, but I wouldn't be able to send them out for two weeks. but I tied them to do a swap and like the idea (since it was mine lol). but I would suggest starting a new topic on it or just swapping the few that are interested, maybe if we only have three swap 2 for 2, 3 for 3, etc. Chris Well, It does not seem like there is much interest in salvaging the swap. I think I'll just let it die and recycle these flies for another swap, or just give them to friends.
  4. Is there still room? I would love to get in on this.
  5. Not sure if everyone would be into this or not, but I would be glad to take over the Swap Master duties. It would mean another hit on postage. If you wanted to mail your set of flies to me, I would be glad to divide them up and return them. We could salvage something out of this mess. atroutbum2: There is no need to apologize
  6. What a waste of time! NJFLYMAN, you suck! Don't host a swap if you cant follow through
  7. If there is still room,I'm in! I'll be tying a Rockworm. I have not been tying in a while. I recently relocated and switched careers. Just now am I starting to feel like a have a little free time to spend behind the vice. Looking forward to the swap! This will be a good one to get me back into things.
  8. Glad the flys made it to everyone. Thanks to all for your partisipation. Just got back from a week in Wyoming and Montana. Took along these PT's and caught lots! Thanks for all the extras as well. lots of quality in this swap!
  9. Got mine today. Ive been out of town for the last week. It was a nice supprise to find these flys mixed in with all the bills. Thanks for hosting Big E!
  10. Sets made it to the PO today. There are some seriously good looking PT's on their way! I am sure everyone will be happy with this set.
  11. Mine made it to the mail box today. sorry for the delay.
  12. Got mine today! Awesome set.
  13. Hey All, Just a quick update. All flys have been recieved. they should be in the mail by the end of this week. I will get some photos of the ones I have not photographed yet and post them.
  14. Thanks for the update. I'll be watching for them! I recieved some seriously good looking soft hackles from redietz earlyer this week.
  15. Addy Sent. Just a couple of weeks left til the due date. We've got two more sets that are out.
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