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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by flyfishing99

  1. Very nice looking nymphs. Those will work well - especially as droppers this summer???
  2. Hi, This is my tie of Whitlock's signature nymph pattern. Thanks for looking, Byron Let me know if you have suggestions. It is a size 14 weighted under the thorax.
  3. Been tying some soft hackles and want one for the Blue Winged Olives in April. Think this will work? Thanks, Byron
  4. Does that mean those posts using photo works will be lost? I would think so
  5. Was tying some red fox squirrel nymphs and tied this soft hackle.
  6. LOL. I don't believe in the Big Bait catches Big Fish Theory myself. I was think a #20 was normal. I'd hate to see your reaction to my collection of tiny flies. Nothing larger than a #28. The Serendipity is like the Woolly Bugger, a proven fly that gets results. Byron - That looks a hundred times nicer than the group of #16s I tied this weekend. Maybe I'll open break out the #20 hooks and see how they come out. Tied up a few #18s last weekend just for fun using red floss on a couple and yellow floss on others. Greg Here's a size 32 Tiemco hook Hard to get it in the vise even with micro jaws!
  7. Dude, it's tyed on a #20... :bugeyes: Guess you never had the chance and fished midges :dunno: What do you think of size #26-#32's :punk: Also, that is a proven pattern.. Will work 100% i'm sure of that.. Byron very nice tye, looks awesome Thanks NJ. Where do you fish????
  8. Thanks. I guess I tie them that small because God makes diptra that small.......
  9. Hi, This is my version of a serendipity. It is tied on a short shank size 20. Probably the equivalent of a size 22. Think this will work this spring? Thanks, Byron
  10. I tie soft hackles too. Right now, I use my own blend of antron. Could you please post some photos of your softhackles with dungeon's dubbing?? Thanks, Byron This fly is tied using my home made dubbing
  11. In the surface film. Sort of like a dry fly.
  12. Thanks! Unfortunately, not the recommended hook. I used an Orvis 1523 It is an extra fine dry fly hook. Byron
  13. Hi, Have always been intrigued by the Upside Down Fly patterns. First tried tying them after Clarke and Goddard published their book in the 70's. This is my tie of a PMD Funnel Fly
  14. Hi, Size 20 midge pattern. Different colors than normal. Think this might work?? Thanks, Byron
  15. More traditional colors........ Less ugly???
  16. Actually, you trim the hackle to about 1/3 the gap/gape. Given that this is a size 20 fly, it would be pretty small hackle to use without trimming....................
  17. did you guys know that Sawyer's Grandson or some relation ties the PT and sells them?
  18. Hi, Reading a blog by Jason Borger. He described the "Bottle Washer" midge pattern. Has a trailing shuck and hackle cut to approximately 1/3 the gap/gape of the hook. This one is a size 20.
  19. Hi, Been tying some #20 midges and thought I should try a #20 Blue Wing Olive emerger in a paraloop style.
  20. No, it lands and floats with the hook up.
  21. Yes, the paraloop is much like a parachute. So, since it is tied upside down, it will land upside down so as not to show the hook below the surface.
  22. Hi, Wonder if anyone else ties these??
  23. Hi, Trying different patterns for a March Brown dry. Wonder if you think one of these will work?
  24. These are size 20 and we tie them smaller as well. Kind of puts things in perspective................
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