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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Fishboy

  1. I've heard that there are quite a few freshwater lakes full of big largemouths in the orlando area. to the east on the atlantic side there is some awesome redfishing, and on the Gulf i hear you can get redfish and a bunch of other stuff...and then of course the further you get to the south you start seeing tarpon, bonefish, etc. Sorry...pretty vague...I've only ever fished the St. Augustine area in Florida (which also is very good ff for some reds, flounder, and other stuff). Derek
  2. This is my favorite way to fish, and some of the most effective flies I've found are Marabou Speys (check out www.schmidtoutfitters.com, and go to the Fly Recipes for a couple pics). Tie them up in a bunch of different colors....They're all marabou and move and pulse beautifully in the slowest of currents. I've also had luck with sculpin patterns like Madonnas, Zoo Cougars, and especially Woolly Sculpins. Woolly Buggers shouldn't be overlooked, either, and this time of year a really good pattern sometimes is a salmon-smolt streamer. One pattern I think will work well this year that I have to try is Galloup's T & A Streamer. The line I use for this type of fishing on the Big Manistee is a RIO Big Boy 24' Sink-tip. If you cast it with some slack (but not TOO MUCH), and then throw a quick upstream mend, you can get enough line to be free to provide a drag-free drift until the line gets below you, at which point you can add more line to the drift, but also keep it tighter for your nice and slow swing. On smaller waters I like a 10-foot sink-tip.
  3. Fishboy

    Upset baby !!!!

    WMU Broncos 96 Marshall Thundering Herd 62 That's a good start...ESPNinsider says they could get as high as 7 seed and play someone like Louisville...good stuff. March Madness- i'd rather watch the tourney than 10 SuperBowls (now the Lingerie Bowl on the other hand.... ) Derek
  4. Fishboy

    Upset baby !!!!

    something to celebrate in cincy? weren't the bengals just 8-8? that's like seeing a jesus statue cry. derek
  5. I'm not sure I could tolerate tying all those eggs (w/o some help... ). I usually get through a 1/2 dozen and then either get bored or REALLY PISSED because none of the glo-bugs and nuke eggs are PERFECTLY round. Oh well, those you tied up look awesome and i'm sure they'll do the trick. Derek
  6. I don't know anymore. You usually hear of pike and walleye as "warmwater" as well, but they are most active in cold water, especially pike. As shadrap said, you can still catch smallies in 80 degree waters, but you can catch trout then, too, but that doesn't mean its good for the fish. You do find some smallies in trout waters, also. I think the correct deal is that they are "moderate water" fish...they can tolerate warm water better than trout, but not as warm as, say, largemouths. Just my $.02 (or less)...be interesting to hear everyone's opinions. Derek
  7. Fishboy

    Clouser Fly line

    Can't argue w/ 175 fish...KEEP IT!!
  8. Fishboy

    Clouser Fly line

    The Clouser line is not just for throwing Clouser's...that's the name of the line because Bob Clouser helped develop it for RIO. I bought one this past late-summer and I use it for all my bass, pike, and indicator fishing (for steel/salmon) and worked well on a saltwater trip I took in Dec. (and will be tested there again in 3 weeks). It booms large flies out there along ways. When your next floating line for bass, etc. takes a poop I would highly recommend this one. But, if you're just worried about throwing Clousers, don't just buy it for that...because it works very, very well for other applications, as well. Derek
  9. Thanks for the link...that one looks like an absolute killer. Now I'll be adding on to the 8 crayfish patterns I already carry...and that one has the looks of jumping to Numero Uno as my favorite...time will tell. Derek
  10. Fishboy


    I use ads just to become aware that a product is available. As you mentioned, all that BS about "50% better" or "casts 25% better" etc. doesn't do a thing for me. I don't know how many times I see an ad for some product and just laugh to myself because I've had experience w/ the product and it wasn't exactly as great as the ad makes it out to be . Of course, that's just an ad agency or marketing-type doing their job...but where they come up with their math is still fuzzy to me...as every one knows "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics." When it comes to things such as lines, reels, and rods or anything else that is a fairly expensive investment I either use it first or get the insight of several who have used it beforehand, and not just from the dealers of the products (they can be as fuzzy as the numbers in the ads). So, to say once again, I don't put much stock in the percentages and mathematics used in ads. I base my purchases on insight or personal use and I usually end up sticking to companies that I've been very pleased with in the past (for lines I've used them all and now always go back to RIO or Scientific Anglers). Can I assume it was an Orvis line you used? Derek
  11. Here in the Great Lakes I use those egg-sucking leeches quite often. I like the chenille and rabbit bodies. Good color combinations for me have been (body color/head color): black/chartreuse (probably my favorite), black/pink, black/orange, purple/pink, purple sparkle chenille/red, and chartreuse/red. I tied up some with white bodies, but haven't fished them yet. For steelies, browns, and salmon from the Big Lake I tied them mainly in sizes 2-6. I prefer the bunny body, but I also tie a lot of the woolly bugger w/ chenille head style, too. One pattern that I have found to work very well is the Chicago Egg-Sucking Leech: Hook: 3XL #4-#8 Head: Black Cyclops Bead Tail: sparse black marabou w/ purple flashabou Body: mohair leech yarn Egg: orangle or pink dubbing or sparkle dubbing
  12. Fishboy


    I used some different stuff to fashion claws out of as Redneckshadrap is speaking...and they definitely looked good...but I've caught a lot more fish on zonker and marabou-clawed versions in comparison. Maybe its in the movement of the stuff or I just need to experiment more...who knows? Derek
  13. I'm gonna do a few on a stainless hook to try in the salt next month...thanks for showing John. It has "the look" as a smallie- and a trout- killer. Derek
  14. That looks like one I'll have to be throwing for pike at ice out this spring...nice looking tie. Derek
  15. I've heard some about runs of fish out there in CA being made up of a lot of 1/2 pound to 1 pound fish. But don't forget those bigger boys. I would think, as the others have said, that a 6-weight should handle the job just fine. If the stream gets lots of pressure and is smallish, you could consider using a fluorocarbon tippet in the 6 pound range...could make the difference. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Derek
  16. If you wish to at least tie a little, Bear Andrews has a Krystal egg that is Estaz wrapped in egg shape w/ a veil of lighter colored glo-bug yarn...has worked well for me in sizes 10 and 12 in fall on hot fish and in spring around snow-melt and high/dirty water. Derek
  17. Fishboy

    Dream trip

    It would be a toss-up between Labrador for big brookies or the Amazon basin for some VERY REMOTE fishing... ...of course, at this point, I'd be happy with the local park pond since everything- rivers/lakes/streams- are covered in ice here in the frozen north.
  18. Fishboy

    Speaking of Pike

    Hard to believe I got it on a size 24 midge, huh? ( ).
  19. That fly shore is purrrty!! Wouldn't mind rippin' a few steelie lips with that one. Great-looking tie! Derek
  20. Two that always seem to get me into fish is a Parachute Adams (if it's dry fly time) or a #14 Bead-head Hare's Ear Soft-Hackle. Work for me Derek
  21. I remember on the flyfisherman forum there were guys saying "impossible" the minute that the story hit. After just a couple days, they were proven right. What really fried me was how many people congratulated him and asked how he did it, and he answered everyone very thoroughly, no matter the detail of the question. I ranted enough on this when the story broke, so I'll save the space. Derek
  23. Fishboy


    Awesome job on the streamers Ladykiller!! You and I tie many of the same flies (though I do it for just myself and a few friends) and I love looking at how your flies are similar to mine and how on other parts we do things a little different. Not to nick-pick, just to give credit to where it's due, the Madonna and Rattlesnake are Ray Schmidt patterns (runs Schmidt Outfitters in Wellston, MI...very, very nice guy, very concerned w/ conservation and always willing to help). But him and Galloup are good friends and I guess when Galloup was doing the book he bounced a lot of ideas off of Ray. Have you ever tied or fished McCune's Sculpin? If you like big streamers, that one's awesome. Post if you'd like the recipe (don't know how to post a picture on the computer). Again, great job. Keep bringing them. Derek
  24. That's a damn good trout fly, too, in the correct sizes...but pike love them big eyes and rabbit fur!! great looking fly. derek
  25. Thanks John...I may shoot over to DNR tomorrow and take a peak at them. Thanks again everyone for all of your input. I may be more undecided now than I was, as everyone has made a strong case for their favorite...and I've been getting feedback on Old Florida reels as being very, very good. I still have awhile to think about though, as I raise the dough to pay for it all. Thanks again. Derek
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