Hey fellas. Ive been gone a long time but was made aware of this thread by a few. This fly has been in the Orvis lineup for (oh..... I dont remember as I am getting old :-) over a dozen year. The one photo in question is tied by the Orvis tyers and of course mine is a little different.
Here is the recipe for the original version.
Hook: Daiichi 1730 sz. 6-10
Tail: Ostrich and Pheasant aftershaft
Abdomen: Virtual Nymph Skin (there is no substitute as all others deteriorate)
Collar: Ruffed Grouse
Abdomen: Yellow Ice Dub or similar
Wing: Australian opossum
Eyes: Mono eyes
Head: Mix of hares ear krystal dub and golden brown Haree Ice Dub
Happy Holidays!
Dave Hise