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Challenge Thread Fly Pattern List - 2024

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225. Craven's soft hackle emerger - Flytire

226. Bob Popovics Hollow Fleye - johnnyquahog

227. Montana Stone Fly - Fruitrollup

228. Humongous Boobie - Heff2

229. Quilled Buzzer - Trouttramp

230. Royal Grumpy Frumpy - Fruitrollup

231. Mike Schmidt’s Viking Midge - Heff2

232. Comparadun - Niveker

233. Shaggy Wire Caddis - Sandan

234. Gartside Hopper - Johnnyquahog

235. Quack - niveker

236. Rube Wood - gadabout

237. Golden Darter - flytire

238. Emerald Shiner - niveker

239. Grizzly King - flytire

240. James Woods Bucktail - Heff2

241. Deer Hair Spook - Bruce Derington

242. Zoo Cougar - Sandan

243. Found Link - Flytire

244. Caddis Life Cycle - gadabout

245. Spirit of Pittsford Mills - Heff2

246. Beaverkill Dry - Fruitrollup

247. Yakoda Chimera - ScienceGuy141

248. Roza's Pearl Butt Secret - Flytire

249. Kreelex - niveker

250. Empie’s Deadly Shiner - gadabout

251. Carrot Dry Fly - niveker

252. Sofa Pillow - Heff2

253. No Hackle Dry Fly - Heff2

254. Hendrickson - Flytire

255. Gonga - ScienceGuy141

256. CDC loop wing emerger - Sandan

257. Catskill style quill body mahogany dun or blue quill - Heff2

258. Pigsticker - Flytire

259. PMX - Poopddeck

260. Smitherman's Draggin Nymph Fly - Chasing_Tails

261. Gotcha Bonefish Fly - Heff2

262. Hood Rat or Lil’ Hood Rat from James Spicer - Fruitrollup

263. Clown Shoe Caddis - Heff2

264. Charlie Craven’s Lucky B - Trouttramp

265. Papa Roach - Jaydub

266. Corn Fed Caddis - Fruitrollup

267 - Iron Lotus - Flytire

268. Light Cahill Wet Fly - Niveker

269. Adams Wet Fly - Northcaddis

270. Dragon Fly Gomphus - Niveker

271 - Gurgler - Trouttramp

272. Pimple Popper Frog - Heff2

273. Quick Ugly Frog = Rick Zieger

274. Klinkhammer Flash Body

275. Ausable Bomber - Niveker

276. The Usual - Heff2

277. Brassie - Flytire

278. Harrop's Hairwing Dun - Trouttramp

279. Hipster Dufus - RickZieger

280. Thief - Heff2

281. Lady Caroline - Cencalfly

282. Fall Caddis Waking Fly - Niveker

283. Leiser"s Woodchuck Caddis - cphubert

284. Moorish Hopper - Trouttramp

285. Morningwood Special - Cphubert

286. Yellow Sally - Gadabout

287. Dorato Hare's Ear - Cencalfly

288. Your go to dry fly - RickZeiger

289. Beetle of your choice - cphubert

290. Makenna's Freestyle Fall Favorite - nobody tied this fly

290. Fall Favorite Variant - niviker

291. Doc Spratly - Cencalfly

292. Dark Spruce Matuka - Flytire

293. Lew Oatman "Brook Trout" - Cphubert

294. Battenkill Shinner - Gadabout

295. Grizzly Wulff - Heff2

296. Muddler Mayfly - Poopdeck

297. Wally Wing Hatch Matcher - Poopdeck

298. Wonder Wing Stonefly - Trouttramp

299. Wonder Wing Caddis - Fruitrollup

300. Sunnyside Up Egg - Heff2

301. Golden Olive Bumble

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