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Where are Timely Tips?

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I see a recent post has been moved to "Timely Tips". I remember seeing that forum in the past but can't find it now. Anybody know where it's at? :dunno:

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Your the first post since Oct. 30/07

I couldn't find it for awhile and when I did, there was no activity there since Oct.30/07


Go to the left side of the home page to the area of "FLY TYING FORUM".(Don't click on it)

Just above that is "FLY TYING"..................


Click on that and scroll down ............. you'll see it there, red arrow,"TIMELY TIPS"


For the life of me, I don't know why it was eliminated as it was the first place I went to every day.

I sent a message some time ago to the moderator but didn't get a satisfactory reply.

Oh well !

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Thanks, glockmeister. It's in the "old" format for FTF forum. So much for new & improved I guess. Maybe if we get enough people wanting it, Will can get it into the "new" format. I for one would like to see it return.

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I stumbled across this forum last night and had a great read, as well as some inspiration to add some of my tips and tricks. When I signed on this morning, lo and behold I couldn't find the category and (thanks to the Scotch) couldn't remember how I found it. Glad to know it is still there, but I agree it should be on the main page.

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"Timely Tips" was an added bonus to all fly fishermen.


I can't understand for the life of me ,why it was terminated.


How about the members put a little pressure on the powers to be to re-instate it?

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