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Fly Tying
wayne s

How do I construct a mayfly body

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On the helpfull advice of Fred H, I am asking how to go about constructing a body for a Mayfly. This will be my first try at a full on realistic having tied various lifelike fishable emergers in the past I would say I am a competent tyer and would like to up the ante in my tying.

I have a few materials to hand i.e foam, swiss straw (natural & synthetic), tippets, moose mane. Anything else I need to start?

Pics would also be helpful in this project.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Wayne,

The question you ask has many answers and many solutions. If you are looking to tie a super realistic then you could do no better than to follow the methods used by Paul Willock in his realistic tying book.

If you check on past posts on this site you will find all the methods and explanations for the construction.

I know that my friends Graham Owen and ULF have described the methods.

Hope this helps



Mike....................................... B)

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Hi Wayne,

I like to use another hook for the extended body, that has had its eye and hook part clipped off. This doesn't wory well for a fishing fly, but looks really nice on a realistic fly. I have a step by step PDF on my website here:





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Nice tie there Garren, I have done a bit of weaving work before so may give it a go, very good step by step exactly what I am looking for.


Mike have you got any links to point me to the info you mention? I have searched but can not find.


Anyone else got any links for step by steps for constructing a mayfly both realistic and super realistic?


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could try waxing a needle and dubbing it like this guy does link below. they to look real to what he does is clamp a needle in the vice then wax the needle and add a string after he ties on to it so he can attach it to the bug after dubs the body over all that. any ways could be done with laytex or maybe foam. any ways good luck and tight lines rhino...............











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Thank you very much Mike, just what was needed. It has shed light on what I need to do.


Thanks Rhino, very nice techniques.

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