Ridleyffo 0 Report post Posted July 8, 2009 Sorry to be so far off-topic but I had an interesting experience yesterday that I thought many of you would appreciate. I was doing my normal lunchtime backroads nas-truck Chester County roadfest. My Titan really does handle like a sportscar! I love my truck :punk: Anyway I come around this turn and this lady must have just struck this doe that was lying in my lane. The lady and her daughter were obviously ok and another driver had stopped to check. All looked ok. The deer however did not look ok. Although my first thought was “that tail looks very bushy and would make some nice flies”, I stepped out of the truck with my large bowie thinking I may have to dispatch this animal. When I got close to the doe I realized that she was alive and didn’t appear to be in dire shape. She attempted to get up but sadly couldn’t (just yet). Although she was bubbling spittle from her mouth and nose, she didn’t seem to be in too bad of shape. A small nick on her leg and a globule of blood on her ear (probably spat from mouth or nose). I started calmly talking to her and reached out and began stroking her behind her ear. She looked at me oddly as if it was strange for her but she enjoyed the ear rub. She tried to rise again but still needed to lay down a while. I then put my hand under her chin and applied some upward pressure. She finally rose shakily to her legs and I backed off. The whole time she looked at me with those BIG DOE EYES she just seemed like a scared little kid looking to a parent for comfort (ok maybe I imagined that bit but it was a bit surreal) Several cars I was blocking seem to grow impatient as the deer just lingered in the road. I walked a few steps towards her, clapped a few times and make some motions towards the roadside woods. Off she burst and ran right into a three foot wide tree stump. I thought she was going to fall again and maybe further hurt herself. Her head was even angled toward the ground but she recovered her balance and made it into the edge of the wood. I got back in the Titan and she just watched Doe eyed again as I waived and drove off. I did give a thumbs up and holler to the little girl that the deer would be ok. Not only did I feel a child’s sense of wonder at stroking the deer and raising its chin with my hand but I almost felt a sense of oneness with her. Not a bad lunch hour. People must have been wondering why the game warden was wearing a pin-stripped banker suit. go figure Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smallieFanatic 0 Report post Posted July 8, 2009 Thats neat, good for you and the deer. And about the game wardens, they are getting sneakier every year Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joe Hard 0 Report post Posted July 8, 2009 Cool catch and realease gotta like it Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arkansas Mike 0 Report post Posted July 8, 2009 Most of the "kill-happy" rednecks in my neck-of-the-woods wouldn't have given the doe a chance to recover! Good job. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Futzer 0 Report post Posted July 8, 2009 Well played Bob, huge fish karma points. Turned a child's, "mommy killed a deer" into a positive thing. Cheers, Jeff. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Batman 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2009 kill-happy,,,,,hmmm,,,,,,,,,,,,come October 1, you bet,,,,,,,,,,,,,B,,,,,,,,,,, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arkansas Mike 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2009 kill-happy,,,,,hmmm,,,,,,,,,,,,come October 1, you bet,,,,,,,,,,,,,B,,,,,,,,,,, Sorry, Batman. I'm bit of a hypocrite I suppose. I've never killed a deer, but my tying shop is full of bucktails and deer hide I begged off of hunter acquaintances. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Batman 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2009 And another thing why? if the thing is ok would the "redneck" want to kill it, just to kill it, well maybe there are people out there that get off on that , but most of the "rednecks" around here would rather wait till it cools off and the ticks and parasites are gone, so it could be eaten or give to some needy family that could benefit Legally, lots of roadkilled deer are given to senior homes and people in need, but ah forget it, i quit , been a long day, probably took the killhappy wrong if i bothered anyone------sorry,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,b,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rich5665 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2009 I know a few people who wouldn't have thought twice about throwing the deer in the back of the truck and then dispatching it, none of them are Rednecks. One of them, if he were still alive, would have shot it right there. But then my Pop was always just a little crazy like that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arkansas Mike 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2009 Apologies everyone for the "kill-happy redneck" remark. I'm just an animal and nature lover. Hate to see anything killed needlessly. It's like I said to Batman, when you think about it, I guess that's hypocritical seeing as how my shop is lined with hides and feathers of every sort. Still, I think it's commendable what Ridleyffo did with the deer. If the deer had been dead or fatally wounded, then by all means, give it to someone to eat. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smallieFanatic 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2009 wouldn't have thought twice about throwing the deer in the back of the truck and then dispatching it, none of them are Rednecks Personally, an act like that would certainly classify you as a redneck Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ridleyffo 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2009 Despite my liberal tendancies, Im a firm believer in the objectivist philosophy of essentially doing what is right for you. If I or my family was hungry, the doe would have been dispatched regardless of condition, legality or season. Given that i abhore game as food, it realy wasn't even a thought. My only sense of discomfort came from thoughts that the doe would slowly suffer and still die. I felt somewhat reassured in the way she kept her balance when she hit the stump. I also stopped on my return journey and talked more closely with the lady who hit the doe. she was still commiserating with the cop on the scene. She said that thought they saw the same doe just wondering around in the edge of the wood. The little girl was quite comforted when I told her that the doe only skinned her knee just like she probably did a hundred times. Redneck. Hell if it wasnt so wrong to be RIGHT I would be a Redneck. Gun toting Liberal :gunsmilie: Ridleyffo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arkansas Mike 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2009 I just feel really bad for mouthing off. I never intended to offend anyone. I messaged Batman and apologized. A week or so ago, I messaged Futzer when I thought one of my replies was somewhat arrogant (he was kind as always and said he didn't take it that way). I'm relatively new here and really love it. The last thing I want to do is tick anyone off. It was a stupid remark on my part. From now on, any post I make will only be related to tying. Mike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riffleriversteelheadslayer 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2009 hey mike comment any way you wish most of us meat eating deer killing rednecks have tough skins and don't get bothered by someone elses thoughts of our beliefs; plus I am a nature lover and believe in conservation and replenishing of our natural resources. also I am president of save the rat foundation I personally want to find all antihunting activist and send them a few rats for them to make a home for. after all they are god's creatures to. most people worry about the cute cuddley bambi or seals but what about the poor sensless killing of thousands of rats that happens daily in our inner cities. they need protection to why be so choosy. sorry for ranting I will shut up now Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Futzer 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2009 What Ridleyffo did was an honorable thing, what Arkansas Mike wrote was honest and not disrespectful. In my humble opinion both are great contributors to the forum. The Rat thing RiffleRSHS... I just don't get it. It is the same extremist action that PETA takes and not the smart way a fly fisherman should take in the situation. You tie killer flies, I just don't understand. The only miss-step in this conversation is the use of the generalization term of Redneck. Lets avoid that, we are fly fishers/tyers one and all. Jeff. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites