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Fly Tying


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About riffleriversteelheadslayer

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/17/1970

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    steelhead and brook trout
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  1. I was going to tie a spun stacked deer hair sub bug but I was a bit busy with the move and work so you all get one of my go to surface bugs for bass.
  2. Oh and please put me in for the dry I will be tying a May fly imitation with a razor foam wing. This has resulted in a nice dry fly that floats very well and the local trout here can't resist it.
  3. I got my set today great tying by all. For my book it s actually a size 8 wide gap. I use them a lot here on my home river for brown trout. The recipe for my fly goes as follows. Tail: golden pheasant crest Butt: blue dyed ostrich Body: silver tinsel flat Wing: mottled oak wild turkey wing Throat: scarlet hackle. The mottled oak turkey wing is kind of a rare find I get them from wild turkey I shoot and there is only like 2 or 3 per wing so to get a matched set is a bit of luck. As for working with it I love it marries nice and retains its shape very well.
  4. Matt put me in I just got moved into the new house so my tying room is a disaster but I think I can tie up a dozen bass flies
  5. My wife has stopped and grabbed porcupine quills for me. She keeps an old towel in her truck for that reason. Plus if I am with her she will ask me if i want her to stop when we see something.
  6. If your looking for quality in marrying feathers contact John McLain at feathersmc
  7. I got mine today been moving to the new house so the mail was delayed thanks Matt for hosting and Tony for a great new material idea. Thank you all for a great set of flies.
  8. The hackle on my fly is grouse or as we call them here partridge. I hunt them every year and they come in a variety of colors from a really light grey that I get from the swamplands to a dark brown that I usually find in the deep hard wood forest. The feathers I chose for these flies came from near the neck on the breast side of the bird. These feathers tend to be the softest fibers on the bird giving them lots of motion in the micro-currents.
  9. I found some great bird hunting area up in Onaway today while working. Seen 13 birds in a mile.
  10. Please send me your addy I will be finishing up Wednesday night with the snow storm headed our way.
  11. Bob I tried this last night with a rainbow I caught fishing the ice ledges on the Rifle River. Delicious is all I can say I served it on a bed of wild rice and morel mushrooms.
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