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A Fill In List?

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I have been wondering if there would be any interest in creating a list of folks that could jump in and fill up a spot in a swap if someone needs to drop out? I myself had to drop out due to my sons health but passed along my spot to someone, and then jumped back in to fill for someone else.It seems that swaps fill so fast that there should be someone leftout.


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Perhaps a better plan would be to encourage those who don't get into a given swap, to just add a note to the thread, indicating their willingness to sit in for those who might drop. The biggest problem with drop outs, is that often they aren't identified, until the due date comes and goes. Personally, when I enter a swap of say 12 swappers, I almost expect 1 or 2 to drop out, and I always encourage the swapmiester to keep the extra flies as acknowledgement of his/her efforts. It's kind of like paying taxes to me. On the other hand, I think SMs should be much more diligent in reporting drop outs, and perhaps we could get rid of the handful of consistant no shows and hold-ups by having them banned.

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I will add a few comments from the swapmeister side of a swap.I notice there are a lot of new swappers , so there are a few things to strongly consider in a swap. most swaps have a completion date for the swap, definitely try to meet the date, if not let the meister know,as soon as possibe.


in a recent swap that I had ,an individual posted three messages that his flies were being mailed

out and for whatever reason, the flies were never mailed. I was forced to keep holding the delivery of flies, which ,of course held the swap up by a couple weeks. any kind of message, in this case would have been expected.I never did get any reply from this individual. As a result this swap , should have been fabulous, but I had to rate is as somewhat awesome!!!


this is very frustrating for the swap meister,as in most cases there is plenty of time.


these swaps are great to get involved with, you will get a chance to showcase your talents and you will get some great flies , in return. definitely take consideration for your fellow swappers , jump in and get your feet wet.


have a good one

pat carroll

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in a recent swap that I had ,an individual posted three messages that his flies were being mailed

out and for whatever reason, the flies were never mailed. I was forced to keep holding the delivery of flies, which ,of course held the swap up by a couple weeks. any kind of message, in this case would have been expected.I never did get any reply from this individual. As a result this swap , should have been fabulous, but I had to rate is as somewhat awesome!!!


I have been in two other swaps, with this same swapper, that have been held up for up to 5 weeks. "the mailbox was robbed" was the most innovative line that was used. It is difficult for a good swapmeister to show compassion to one swapper, and yet satisfy the other 11 folks in the swap. I have only hosted a couple of swaps, and the headaches are the reason I haven't hosted more. Thanks for doing it for us patrick.

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Isn't tampering with, or stealing U.S. Mail a Federal Offense, that must have ben one real gutsy theif risking jail time just for a few dozen flies! :hyst:



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