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Fly Tying


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About yetavon

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    the biting ones
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    Western NC

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  1. Little of both to tell the truth.... My home built tying tray is taken a beating too.
  2. And with attempting to move stuff... This happens... I'm done with it...
  3. I am unfortunately not doing very well on getting back into this. Vise is currently somewhere in the woods behind the house... seems every step I take is backwards. I'm hoping to attempt again tomorrow... Sorry folks
  4. Thanks for the words of encouragement. It's just like riding a bike someone said... But seems like the handlebars are bent and tires are flat.
  5. Looking at y'all's pics is not helping my confidence in my abilities....
  6. Welcome... Im new back here and relearning....
  7. Already prepared for power outage, it's easy in the camper
  8. We had a friend in Ontario that whenever it cold below freezing here we would tell him to go check the barb wire boarder fence for a broken strand.... We're frozen up here this morning, but had planned on it.... At least we can run off the campers onboard tank. There calling for up to an inch of ice here tonight into tomorrow.
  9. Give SanDan the feather for his hat... Big Indian...Loved going to Hunter for the Drive-in, and jumping off Lexington Bridge
  10. Welcome Back... Ive been gone from here to long too
  11. As strange as it sounds, hot water can freeze faster than cold... Called the Mpemba Effect. Pex piping can tolerate freezing better, but have seen were the fitting will start leaking... slow drip
  12. Welcome.... There are a lot of great folks on here
  13. No he doesn't.... But I'll give Rancid Crabtree some credit. I really dont remember my 1st time fishing, or my 1st fish... thinking it was a yellow perch from pond fishing with my grandfather about 5 or 6. But I do remember my 1st on a fly. I grew up about 200 yards from the Esopus Creek in NY and me and my trusty Zebco 77 tossing spinners gave the trout a good workout. Was around many of the visiting purist fly guys that would fuss at me for keeping fish... wearing jeans, canvas sneakers, wet wading and Y branch with trout hanging off my belt....this 10 year old kid mostly out-fished them. My stepfather had and old bamboo fly rod but never seen him use it, and I was forbidden to touch it... At 11 or 12 went to a YMCA camp on a boy scout trip, and one of the class choices was fly fishing and tying. I didn't catch anything .... outside the driving desire to catch something on a fly rod..... but where could I get one????? wait ... the old bamboo one thats in the basement that never gets used... I caught something alright... Stepdads belt... back then it was called discipline not child abuse... Then the SOB had the balls to introduce me to a few folks needing work done, cut grass picking up yard stuff ect and told me to buy my own stuff.... Again today its called abuse.... so at the ripe old age of 13, I spent my entire life savings (about $30) on a flyrod kit, you know , the broomstick kind 9ft 8wt... still have it LOL... So now here I go... off to super slow start... almost broke the damn thing across my knee a few times... and it got tossed into the creek more than once... The watching purist got there laughs out of my attempts....Then it happened.... Was in Fleischmanns NY visiting family Sunday afternoon and took a few minutes to fish the creek behind the town park. Small creek with a little rapid running into a pool about 20 foot across. I toss my #10 Adams dry just above the rapid and let it drift down into the pool... Just as I started to lift, the water EXPLODES! I missed him... I spent the next few minutes repeating the drift when again.... BOOM.... FISH ON.... and what a fish it was... several runs and jumps.... I'm sure hes gonna break off. I end up walking in the creek following him upstream (and in my Sunday church clothes.... more child abuse followed) before finally dragging out an 18 inch Rainbow... biggest fish of my life up to that point by far. I was shaking I was so excited... My next purchase was a landing net.....
  14. I have fished out of several kayaks over the years. Currently have a Vapor 10Ft sit in for rivers and a Tarpon 160 sit on for lakes.
  15. Can I put you on speed dial???? I'm still digging through my stuff.
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