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Fly Tying
Guest rich mc

calcasiau pigboat variation swap

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Here is the first one. There is a size 4, 3x long hook under there.


What do you think?



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Guest rich mc

i like the colors and barred legs. how does it move in the water? perhaps a larger bulk of material right behind the legs to make then flare more. richmc

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I haven't cast it yet. Sunday it will be put to the test on a local Smallie stream. As for the legs, I like the idea about more bulk. The picture is of the fly laying flat when held up in the air they come out at almost a 90 angle to hook shank. The real proof will be when I cast it this weekend. I'll let you know.

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Nice Yiman


well I have tried my first one...and y'all might want to start looking for someone else. My wife asked if she could have it, she wants to cut the hook off and hang it as a Halloween decoration.I believe if this thing catchs a fish it will work by landing on it and scaring it to death. I'm going back and starting again with hopes of a better outcome. I can assure you there wont be 56 legs on it. picture a rainbow punkrocker on a bad hair day.


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Guest rich mc

i have tied mine before with rubber strands still connected , but only 8-10 legs for eachof the 2 sides , top n bottom. they can be addictive once you tye a few. rich

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Guest rich mc

nice color variation on the first one.nice head on the black one which gives room for a painted eye. good richmc

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Nice Yiman


well I have tried my first one...and y'all might want to start looking for someone else. My wife asked if she could have it, she wants to cut the hook off and hang it as a Halloween decoration.I believe if this thing catchs a fish it will work by landing on it and scaring it to death. I'm going back and starting again with hopes of a better outcome. I can assure you there wont be 56 legs on it. picture a rainbow punkrocker on a bad hair day.



I think it would look great.

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OK I fixed the pics to show all 3. hope to get some practice with them after work this weekend and get by the fly shop and get some supplies.

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I got out today, I'm glad I tested this fly. It needed a little tweeking. I cut about an inch off the rubber skirt. Good move, it now has a super cool pulse in the water on each strip. I landed a nice small creek bass about 5 casts after making the adjustment. I landed a few others throughout the day - we had the first frost last night, so think that slowed down the fishing in general. I pulled the fly out of the mouth of a really nice Spotted Bass. The big ones get away a lot, don't they?!


I'm glad I took it for a test drive, now to work on the rest.


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Guest rich mc

thanks for the feedback. its better to have the legs too long than too short. i have 3 tied up and will lake test them tomorrow.

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