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Fly Tying
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Not exactly saltwater but....

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That looks like some tasty chow and is a great way to whittle down the population of an invasive species. Everything tastes good when you fry in peanut oil!


We have lion fish here, waiting to spear some this summer, they say it's good to eat.

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Dave, do you guys have lion fish up by you now? They have been wreaking havoc in SE florida on the reefs and especially in the Bahamas. Are you going go old school and use the trident? Be careful cleaning those things

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Yeah, I knew a guy who ran afoul of those spines - he said it was excruciating. Sad to say, they're probably here for good. I don't think they'll come up this far, though did hear of one in NC.

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It's too bad the jewfish don't eat them, those things can wipe other out in no time. What we really need is a restaurant dish to get popular and then unleash the commercial guys on them. The same way the blackened redfish craze near wiped out the reds back in the 80's. I hear they are quite tasty

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Here on the East Coast we're into the American Shad run. It started a little late because winter wouldn't let go and we got hit with 5 inches of rain and 30MPM winds with stronger gusts. But before the Big Blow we did hit some great action. We don't fish out of boats here with a fly rod and most flys are not weighted so heavily, we do use some weight when water levels are high but we depend on shooting heads to present the fly to the fish. We use a fast single handed method of fishing, slowing it down at times if the fish want it slower but the fast strip is a killer as the hit just stops the fly and fight is on. American Shad are not that good to eat, you got to be a chef or an old timer to make em taste good. Here are some of the flys we use here on the Delaware River. We add a small piece of 40lb test off the bend of the hook to prevent the fish from getting the fly in their gills, they bleed at the slightest touch so we have save many fish with this idea from a friend Richard Fasanello (he is THE shad man on the river)



Here are some with a plastic tail from a kids toy bought at the Dollar Store so I call it the DS Wiggler....it works great!



Some action shots, the big roes hit 8lbs with some double digits that show up ever so often, the bucks are from 2 to 4lbs

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