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Fly Tying


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About jpnewbury

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    Roaring Fork Valley
  1. Some new patterns I'm testing out. Durban Poison Jig ZebraDippity
  2. I had an old Herters tool just like this when I was a kid.
  3. Dam! Kimo Getting a Dam from kimo is quite an accomplishment, I'm sure I've gotten a few that were followed by the words, "that's ugly". Great looking fly, what sizes are you tying them in, also have to say I'm glad you started posting I always enjoy seeing your work. Thanks, Kimo, Mike, and Vicente. Vicente, these are size 18 with a body length of about 5mm. I rarely go smaller than 18's out in my region. I appreciate that you like my work, it means a lot. Again, thank you.
  4. My Lucky Nickel Midge. This has been my go midge for the past two weeks. Based on the naturals that I have sampled recently.
  5. Oh my gosh! Why have I never though of that?! I hate tying on droppers, and that would make it so much easier! Yes, inline dropper loop that I started adding to my flies in 2005. "I call it the trailer hitch". You can read my story about it here. I'm not the first to do this as you can read here
  6. I like tying and fishing flymph(ish) soft hackled patterns. This has been a favorite spring stonefly pattern over the past few seasons.
  7. Soon, very very soon. I can't wait.
  8. I Needed to jump aboard the Tarcher bandwagon and update an old favorite.
  9. A PT jig tied with hen pheasant tail. Yes, I love those hooks. No issues, no losses & no bend outs on fish over 20".
  10. Pretty stuff! Liked the way you slipped in your mark but I do like your stonefly logo. Kimo Thank you, Kimo. I will be using some of these images for a gallery project and don't want to have my giant logo on plastered them, but need to inconspicuously embed my trademark. However, I do appreciate your feedback on my stonefly logo. Keep tying your great Tarchers. I may have to test out that style and your creative adaptations. Do you add a ballast weight in the thorax to ensure proper orientation in the water? I have also noticed that when I fish with curved shank hooks, I get some degree line twisting (depending on the curvature of the hook and weight placement), so I use a micro swivel instead of a tippet ring in my rigging to ameliorate the issue. This was a deal-breaking issue with my old Stinger Stone for Umpqua Feather Merchants. The darn fly spun like a top against the current or when lifting up to make the next cast.
  11. I am headed out the door in a few minutes looking for an early spring Baetis hatch. I just pinned a few of these into my Baetis box. Size #18 Olive euro PT's.
  12. I fished with a Nice Bitch creek. That's the nicest Bitch Creek I've seen. Been a while since I've seen a Bitch Creek. Got to love a good ol Bitch Creek. Actually I just wanted to type the word Bitch without getting a warning from Mike. It's totally legal. Right? Ok, the devil made me do it. I WON'T EVER DO IT AGAIN. I fished with a Bitch Creek today. It didn't work but I already cleaned the pool before tying it on ...LOL!
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