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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by robow7

  1. 23 hours ago, DFoster said:

    Yup, for me it's that time of the winter.  I love tying but I start looking for something else fly fishing related to do.  When I pull some line of a reel just to hear the click I know it's getting bad.  Clean and lube the vise, lube the reels, clean and treat the fly lines, tying leaders, organize the boxes and packs (again).... Is spring ever going to get here?  

    We're to get our first snow of the season today, 1-2 ft. of the white stuff, so I'll being doing the same over the next couple days.

  2. Over the years, I have tied the collar in several different configurations, some larger and more full than others (like above) and it will affect how much it floats and dives to some degree.  One thing for sure, don't allow your tail material to become too heavy or long as it will reduce the "shake and bake" motion of the head.  ymmv

  3. I definitely agree with what was stated above, to actually get your hands on and try as many vises as possible, and often times, one vise might "just speak to you more than the others".  That's how I came to own the vise I have used for 25 years, but back then fly fishing shows were much more common and vise manufacturers often had a booth that would allow you to play with their vise.  It's a shame it's more difficult to do that these days.  

  4. You know a generation ago, you would see a ton of both dries and nymphs tied on size 12 hooks.  It was almost a standard.  I'm not sure when it happened but over time, many of the patterns came to be tied in 14 and 16's.  The old timers I knew, never had a problem catching fish with those size 12's and in fact often tied a size 14 fly on a size 12 hook if they thought it was needed.  Anyway, best of luck and get well.

  5. I had a friend who owned the Cobra but I don't remember the mirror.  He liked it a lot and we thought it was odd that this "far out futuristic" design was from the same manufacturer as the classic old school vise. (We assumed it was from the same Thompson) 

    The Vossler, was that designed so you could tie two flies at once ? 

  6. Is this an HMH thing as to the inability to easily hold larger hooks ?  A long long time ago, I purchased an HMH vise that was an early Spartan or a similar model and it was great until you got up to size 2 and larger.  As I tie a lot of larger flies for bass and pike, it just didn't work for me and I sold it , but not before contacting HMH.  They claimed they were addressing the situation but I didn't hang around long enough to find out if it was corrected.

  7. 8 hours ago, Mark Knapp said:

    Put some salt on there. It will preserve better and it keep the bugs off.

    Yep, I generally rub Borax into the flesh and completely cover that area with more of the same.  After a couple weeks, I'll shake it all off and if not dry enough, I'll repeat the process again.  After that it gets cleaned really well in a bucket of Oxyclean and maybe just a touch of bleach (don't use too much or will destroy the fibers).  It then gets dried and will be ready to use unless I want to dye any or all of it.

  8. Now I fully realize that none of you fine tyers out there would ever stoop so low as to actually use a mop fly but...... maybe you have a friend or a pitiful brother in law that uses mop flies on a regular basis, and that being said, have they ever mentioned that they feel a certain color or colors were more effective than others.  Now of course this information is not for myself but rather a "friend", errr, yea that's right, a friend was just curious as to what colors might be most effective since he has only used two colors and found that the bright chartreuse really out fished his white ones. 

    Thanks again for helping out my friend : ) 

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