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Posts posted by robow7

  1. The woodchuck silhouette definitely wins hands down.   I've never thought of Troth's ehc as having the finest caddis silhouette but it catches fish.  Maybe another topic that might be discussed elsewhere.  Back to wings adding floatability, so you don't feel Lee Wulff's flies with that huge top wing keep it from sinking in fast water as he designed ?  

  2. Silver, if the wing does not contribute to buoyancy then why do we use hollow elk hair on a typical elk hair caddis ?  Why not just use deer body hair ?  Just curious because many flies seem to take the wing material into consideration when looking for "high floaters" in fast currents.  I'm not saying you're incorrect but I need to do some experimentation on your thesis. 

  3. In terms of the Clousers, I noticed Capt. Bob tied both wings on top, as I often do and as I was shown by Lefty many many years ago.  Also as to the sparseness of the fly, Bob himself said that if he tied the Clouser minnows as sparse as he personally likes to fish them, that he wouldn't be able to sell any of them.  He felt the sparseness added to the transparency of the fly which mimicked many somewhat translucent baitfish.  

    All very well done gents !

  4. We used to make those out of cork bottle stoppers that we could purchase at the local hardware store.  Pretty easy to whittle and file to the shape you wanted.  Rubber bands became rubber legs and feathers tied or glued in on top.  I had somewhat forgotten those of my youth and should tie some up.  Thanks for sharing !

  5. Well I finally got my hands on a Hareline hen cape and it was not going to work out for my needs.  Not nearly the number of useable feathers as in my previous Whiting hen capes and the feathers, though nice and soft/webby were too wide and short for my particular needs.  I'm sure it would work for others.

  6. Has anyone purchased or made use of a hen cape by Hareline.  I'm in need of a new grizzly hen cape since my Whiting is just about shot and I had not seen these before.  About $10 less than Whiting.  I normally only use these for palmering and as a soft hackle substitute, and not as a dry fly hackle.  Anyway, just curious as to the quality.  Thanks 

  7. 1 hour ago, flytire said:

    i didnt know that from your earlier posts

    I understand.  My friend even knows Voelker's daughter and she's unwilling to give up anything.  It was just a quest as he has recreated several flies that Volker and the older gang used.  This particular one had him stumped and that's why I told him that I would throw it out to this very knowledgeable board.

    niveker, very very nice work !

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