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  • Birthday 12/17/1960

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  1. I oiled my Renzetti Master Vise with a spray greese which fish love to bite.
  2. The Renzitte Master is the best vise for me. so stable n smooth. I also own the Griffin Spider vise which is my travel vise, it claim a max hook size of 4/0 but upon testing the vise can clamp hook size 8/0. I also own the Griffin Montana Mongoose Vise but never use it. it is good but every time I will be using the Renzitte Master.
  3. you are sticking to what color? white or chartreuse?
  4. sorry to tell you that China reels are junk. I bought a few and sold it off. the cheapest reel I would buy is Ajiking brand.
  5. Orvis Guide to Fly Fishing at:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPKqM4H3eDI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdM7nZNXHGE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC5kO1r2af0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMdG-IHxl28 search youtube for: Tom Rosenbauer for more.................cheers
  6. The Griffin odyssey spider have many version. some with lever and some with screw clamp which I think it is old version. some with more brass parts which cost more and other with a nice bobbin cradle. take you pick.
  7. but I have send few email, no reply yet, you try it and tell me the out come............thanks
  8. hi, How to contact Griffin? I want to buy brass nut also enquire about their spare jaw. what hook size they hold.
  9. I am leaving at the other part of the world where cat and dog are naked roaming the street.
  10. I love my Renzetti Master limited edition to add cost a saltwater pedestal is inculded.
  11. not easy to get SILICONE o-ring here, remember I got Renzetti Master?
  12. oh dear, you know why I hate "O" ring. when I took out my Renzetti traveller to tie fly, the "O" is faulty. it happen so many time. sometimes the shop have no stock, so you understand my frustration. it depend on your climate. here is summer every day. I sold my Renzetti traveller and I now avoid "O" ring at the clamp.
  13. Just tested, it can clamp size 8/0 hook. I think size 9/0 hook also can clamp but I can't find 9/0 hook.
  14. Griffin use "O" ring at the rotation friction part. to control or jam the rotation. to me this are good average vise. I bought a china vise, it have so many problem and the jaw broke. I replaced the jaw with original Renzetti Apprentice jaw and sold it off. about me? Can see me at:- http://www.flytyingforum.com/index.php?showtopic=83907
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