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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by outdoorsmanfool

  1. Hey Steve, what is your normal carp setup? Like rod length line weight tippet sizes and ext. Thanks, Nick.
  2. Alright thanks for the fast reply and tips but I will be fishing all flies with it (light enough ones for the rod obviously) but I am going for trout smallmouth bluegill and carp with the rod it might be difficult but the fish are very spooky so trying to light weight it.
  3. So if I gathered the informartion correctly I should be looking for a shorter stiffer rod for tight quarters? Will this work for me in open waters as well?
  4. I had a question on what kind of fly rod i should get i know what size but i am not sure what action. i am at times fishing in tight quarters then sometimes i am not. i like the shorter rods if that helps at all. it will be a 5/6 weight rod but what would you prefer as action wise? hope that explains what i am looking for.... Thanks, Nick.
  5. well i brought home 1 and threw back about 5 i found that they really loved these gold bead-head nymphs. tied on a size 8-10 i lost a lot of fish also but all around it was a good day.
  6. I am fishing in Michigan at a river 30 minutes from me. but this river is water color is pretty dirty so do you think i should go with neon green, hot pink ect colors... or darker colors?
  7. well i am going to go fishing for some steel-head for the spring run and i was wondering what flies should i bring with me tomorrow? Flies i am already bringing........ Egg pattern, Wooly buggers, nymph's, egg sucking leech's, mostly all the basics i think? what would you guys bring and suggestions would help i will quickly tie them up!! Thanks, Nick.
  8. Derp..... i scanned right over that one. haha thanks.
  9. well i am going to go fishing for some steel-head for the spring run and i was wondering what flies should i bring with me tomorrow? Flies i am already bringing........ Egg pattern, Wooly buggers, nymph's, egg sucking leech's, mostly all the basics i think? what would you guys bring and suggestions would help i will quickly tie them up!! Thanks, Nick.
  10. Thanks for the help guys, i really do appreciate it. I will post something tomorrow after i get back from the stream. it is suppose to be 75 so the fish should be pretty active so good luck to me!!
  11. one more thing.. i think i need a better fly rod i got a cheap fly rod combo and the line could be better so i am going to get one of them next. it is a 5/6 weight rod though.
  12. i would enter the swap but i feel like my flies wouldn't be good enough i have only been tying for about 1 1/2 i can tie some good ones but not all of them are perfect. and i don't have much materials. i will look forward to the next one though...............but back to the carp im fishing in about 1-2ft of water it is clear in the area i am fishing the bottom is sandy then mucky in certain areas and their is other fish in this stream such as bass and minnows. i am not so sure on what they would be eating i know they always hang around this over hung branches and fallen down tree's but if i can hook up to one of these bad boys it would defiantly be a good fight.
  13. thanks for the tips guy's and i am new to this site... i have heard of the swaps but i don't know what they exactly are... unless you wanna fill me in? haha
  14. I have a creek down the road from me and it is loaded with carp. sad thing is i can't get any of them to bite, i'm guessing they are spawning right now but wont they still bite flies? i have tried the wooly buggers and backstabber flies. any recommendations or tips would help thanks!
  15. wooly buggers look good but i could tell with a couple you cut the tail, so it looks like. Try not to do that and it will give it a better look to it. here is a good video from YouTube you can find other one's also.
  16. when ever i tie my mouses when trimming them i always make the bottom of the mouse flat, it also starts to form the body and helps you in the further process i also use a empty pen and it works fine for me i was told by my local fly fishing shop that those would work fine, but to get the mouse to look a little thicker i grab a thicker clump of deer hair but just don't grab too much.
  17. well the pattern i am trying to tie has a extended body and i really liked the look of that pattern and various patterns that match to it.
  18. Hi, my name is nick i am new to this forum i have been tying flies for about 4 months now but anyways... i am trying to tie some hopper patterns but i seem to have trouble when i tie on my foam it just spins around the hook i'm using 2 mm craft foam and 6/0 thread. I do put a base layer of thread and i make the foam about the same gap of my hook but i just can't seem to get it to stay still. any tips would help, thanks!
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