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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by deaddrifter

  1. I remember my first tying class focused half the class on entomology, which I found really helpful. It was great to talk about the fishing aspects and relevance along with the tying techniques.
  2. Thanks for sharing. The folks over at Tightline Video cover this technique in a couple of their tying videos. You can really notice the difference depending on how you tie it in.
  3. I would second the defective bobbin idea. You may have a spur on the tube or something. I've been using Rite bobbins for years with absolutely no issues.
  4. Thanks for all the replies! I like the Plano box idea, although I have to say the box display is a great idea!
  5. I'm new to the forum (short time lurker) but I've been tying for a while. I know there's been a lot of talk on the forum around material storage solutions but what do people use for storing the finished flies? I'm one of those people that ties out of enjoyment and so I end up with a LOT of flies. I can't bring myself to keep buying fly boxes so my solution thus far has been craft storage containers, a piece of craft foam, and some spray adhesive to make my own giant storage box. However, this approach leaves a few things to be desired (namely the foam detaching from the plastic over time) so I was curious what other "high volume" tyers use as a storage solution. Thanks!
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