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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by breambuster

  1. Vicente, that jig is just what we're looking for. Great job. Keep up the good work. BB
  2. Netabrookie!!! It HAS been a while, and I have to tell you that, with your expertise in small dry flies for trout, I'm a bit shocked that you would want to be a part of this swap, but having said that, ABSOLUTELY YES, with all my being, you are far more than welcome to play! You have the last spot. We are full up with your addition to our group. I can't tell you how excited I am to see what you will come up with on a warmwater jig swap. You've made my day. WE ARE FULL! Now, let's all have some fun. BB
  3. Agn54, you're in with many thanks from me. We are really closing in now on having the swap filled. There is only ONE spot still open. Who wants it? Agn54, from the looks of your Avatar, you are a warmwater fisherman for sure. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with on this one. Take care BB
  4. Yes, Hazathor, 1/16 is a good size. Anything smaller and it gets pretty light in weight, and I don't really like to go as large as 1/8. But 1/16 gets down through the water column pretty quickly and when you're fishing in 20 feet of water, getting down quickly is kind of important. But for bluegills, I have some that are as small as 1/64, but they are really hard to cast with spinning equipment. I would keep Crappie jigs at 1/16 or 1/32. BB
  5. Cphubert and Hazathor, you are both in and I'm very happy to have you join. Cp, this swap is bringing in several guys that I've never tied with before and so I'm excited to get to know you guys and to have a sample of your work. I've hosted many swaps here, but I'm always glad to have some "new" (to me) swappers sign up. Welcome. And Hazathor, I REALLY like the jigs in your picture, especially the one with the white heads! And the white & pink??? skirt. I have issues with certain colors and so I could be wrong. Correct me if I am. In the clear what that I fish, I think that would be an excellent pattern. Goad to have you in another of my swaps. Hey, Guys, there are only 2 spots left. You'd better hurry if you want one of them. Take care BB
  6. Hey guys, I just wanted to let everyone on this board know that I'm running a Crappie/Bluegill jig swap on the Swap and Contest board. 12 jigs, any pattern, size 1/16 oz and smaller. Due date is Feb 15 which gives everyone plenty of time. There are only 4 slots left open. I'd love to see some of you guys come over and join us. You can either respond there or here and I'll sign you up. But you should check out the first post of the thread so you know all the rules. Just let me know that you want in. Take care BB
  7. Hey Vicente, glad you found a bargain on hooks. That's cool. Hey guys, we only have 4 slots left. If there is anyone out there who is sitting on the fence and following this thread, don't wait too long. 4 slots could go in a hurry. If you want in, you need to act soon. Take care BB
  8. BassBugn, you are in and very happy to have you join us. I was wondering there for a while if we were going to have enough people sign up to have a swap, but we are well on our way now. Thanks for joining. Take care BB
  9. Stabgnid, it's great to have you join us. Thanks for signing up. Looking forward to seeing what you have. Take care BB
  10. Hi Rick, you are in with pleasure. After the great box of flies I got from you in the Secret Santa Swap, I was hoping you would join this one as well. I'm really looking forward to seeing your creations! Thanks BB
  11. Stabgnid, we usually ask that all the flies be the same pattern. But if need to use some jig heads that you have on hand, then, yes, go ahead and use what you have. Would they all be the same size but a different color or the same color but different sizes? Or would they REALLY be mix and match? Try to keep them as much the same as you can. For instance, if they are all the same color, but just different weights, they would all look pretty much the same. Let me know what you have and let me know if you want in. Thanks BB
  12. Vicrider, you're in. I thought, maybe, you were saying you wanted to join, but I wasn't sure and I didn't want to put you down until I WAS sure. Thanks. I'm really glad that you've decided to get in on this. Take care BB
  13. EuroOrBust, It's great to have you join us. Welcome. Take care BB
  14. Two great minds work together, Vicrider. We're both on the same wavelength. Can I put you down for the swap? There are a lot of people talking about it, but so far, no one has signed up for it. Just saying.... Let me know' BB
  15. Flytire, those are EXACTLY what I have in mind. I would love to see what you could come up with using those. Either standard hooks or sickle hooks would be perfect. Let me know if you want me to include you in the swap. Thanks BB
  16. Vicente, I was hoping for some ideas for crappie and bluegill jigs, but I can do with a regular jig head what you can do with dumbbell eyes, at least as far as body and tail are concerned, so, since it's you, :-). Yes, dumbbell eyes will be acceptable. Let me know if you want me to include you in the swap. Take care BB
  17. Swapmeister - Completed 1. Vicente - Received 2. EuroOrBust 3. Add147 4. Flytire - Received 5. Vicrider - Received 6. Rick Zieger - Received 7. Steve-Stabgnid - Received 8. Bassbugn - Received 9. Cphubert - Received 10. Hazathor 11. Agn54 - Received 12. ColonelMel - Received WE ARE FULL!
  18. THIS SWAP IS FULL!!! I sure hope I don't get banned from the forum for proposing this swap. I like it around here and I'd sure miss it if I were to get kicked off. But here goes. I'm proposing a swap for guys who use jigs for Crappie, Bluegill, etc. I'm not saying what kind of rod we will use to cast them, but I am going to be slightly particular about what is and what isn't included here. I would like to ask that the participants tie their jigs on a 1/16 oz or smaller jig head. They can either be jigs that you pour and paint yourself, or they can be jigs that you buy already poured. Standard hooks appropriate for the weight of your jig are expected. You can use any material and/or color that you prefer, but keep it realistic, please. The idea is to catch FISH on these jigs. There will be 12 participants, plus the 'meister, and each participant will tie up 12 jigs, and you will not get back one of your own. Extras are appreciated, but, by no means, are they required or expected. Toe tags and a self-addressed, stamped envelope are also to be included. Let me know when yours are ready and I'll PM you my address. The due date will be February 15 and since jigs tie up quickly, that ought to give everyone way more than enough time to get them in by the deadline. If you know some warmwater fishing buddies that hang out on some of the other boards here, please pass the word along that we've got a swap going that the warmwater guys ought to appreciate. Sign up by just posting "I'm in" to this thread. You don't have to have a name for your jig. All I need to know is that you're going to tie up some jigs. Thanks Take care BB
  19. You are correct, Mike West. I think that nearly all of mine came from Rick Zieger and also the box, but probably some of the flies came from someone else. In fact, I think that I may have at least one of yours for which I am very grateful. It's a trimmed deer hair bass bug. I'm colorblind, (red and green) which means that I can't tell blue and purple apart, among some other problems, but I would say that the popping bug is mostly blue (but it might be purple), with some other colors included. If that is, indeed, one of your creations, then I want to thank you as well. Take care BB
  20. At the risk of seeming to meddle and to sound like your 3rd grade teacher, let me suggest to everyone who participated in the swap that you go to the latest Secret Santa thread, "Christmas Pictures And Comments From Santa" and thank whoever contributed the flies that you received. On the bottom of the fly box I received, there is a sticker put there by Vicrider that says "Merry Christmas," and "To" and "From" telling me who tied the flies that I received. If you participated in the swap, common decency requires that you at least say "Thank You" to whoever tied the set you received. If you haven't already done so, please, either here or preferably on the new thread please acknowledge that you received a set of flies. Even if you got a really lousy set, like the ones I tied, at least say "Thank You" for the box. Rant mode off: I hope everyone has a happy and prosperous New Year. BB
  21. I received an awesome set of flies from Rick Zieger. Thanks, Rick, for the flies. I opened the box and all I could say was "WOW!" What a great set of flies. And thanks, Vicrider, for all the extra materials you added to the package. I really appreciate it. Between Rick's box of flies and the materials I received from Vicrider, I have discovered that there are a lot of things about Panfish flies that I don't know. Rick, there were several patterns that I haven't seen and I'm looking forward to trying them out. And Vicrider, I am going to need to ask you about some of the materials you sent and how to use them. There was some new stuff in the package that I've never used before. Thanks for a great swap. BB
  22. Count me in. I'll probably do some Panfish flies this time. Thanks for setting this up, Vicrider. This is always a great swap. Take care BB
  23. Fishingbob, don't sweat the cataract surgery. It's really no big deal. It takes about 10 minutes when they finally get started. Vision improvement is very rapid. I began wearing glasses for nearsightedness when I was in the 7th grade and moved up to contacts when I was in the 10th grade. I wore contacts until I was about 66 when I had my first cataract surgery on my left eye. I had the right eye done this past Christmas. I went with a Torex lens which corrected my vision to 20/20. The day I had my left eye done, my wife and I met some other couples for supper that evening. I did everything I would have normally done except for driving there and back. The day I had my right eye done the Thursday after Christmas, I went for my violin lesson that same afternoon at 5:00. No problem seeing the printed page. But again I had to have a driver. The next day I could drive with no problems. I did my regular routine the following Sunday. The day after surgery, I was seeing almost 20/20 the next day, and was at 20/20 or better in just a few days. The most aggravating part about cataract surgery is that you have to continue the drops for several weeks after surgery. Other than that, you'll be seeing almost perfectly by the end of the day of surgery. You can tie flies in a day or two with no problems. The procedure is painless. The only thing you will feel is wet, coldness when they moisten your eyes during surgery. Get a good pair of sunglasses. You will be amazed at how much brighter the world seems after surgery. If you have any questions, I'll be glad to answer. Take care BB
  24. This was the first time that I can ever remember that I didn't have to pay ANYTHING for postage. Usually, someone will not have enough postage to cover it, and sometimes they forget to do postage. I've had to pay postage a time or two when someone used a metered mailing label instead of stamps. But NO ONE owes postage this time. You are all good. All of the envelopes had stamps put two, I think. One had a metered mailing label, I think, but the Post Office clerk let it slide and another person sent several "Forever" stamps which I put on the envelope. Six were sent and it took six. I don't remember who did what, but you can look at your envelope and tell from that. I guess if I weren't an honest guy I could tell you fellows that asked that you owe me some money, but I'm not going to do that. Everyone paid their own way and we're good. Thanks for a great swap. BB
  25. You guys really are too hard on yourselves. In fact, this is a very good set of flies. I just have to tease Vicrider when I get a chance. But stilis is right. It is an excellent set of flies. BB
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