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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by flytire

  1. i'd take a look at this one before the griffin http://store.hookhack.com/E-Z-Rotary-Vise-...ctinfo/9402002/ and its less expensive
  2. screw a "bulldog clip" to your tying bench and you get a "third hand" for about a buck http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulldog_clip
  3. pssst! its SOMERSET with one M :thumbsup: http://www.flyfishingshow.com/Somerset__NJ.html
  4. ive been doing the mono trick for years and its really easy to do build your head with thread bend the stick on eye into a v shape like this <0> a bent eye fits better than a flat eye on a round head tie on the mono thread stick on the eye make an x wrap over the eyes and tie off mono thread coat the eyes with 1 layer of sallys or acrylic goo mono virtually disappears or see post #12 hopefully the foto is still there http://www.flytyingforum.com/index.php?sho...358&hl=eyes
  5. old appliance and extension cords are also an unlimited supply of copper wire cut the cords to about 6-8 inches in length and strip of all but about 1 inch of insulation just pull out 1 strand of wire when needed
  6. watch hans weilenmann tie the cdc & elk and apply the same principle to the elk hair caddis you want to tie http://www.danica.com/flytier/hweilenmann/cdcelk.htm
  7. that video has been on the web for years. i sure wouldnt want the doc running the bot to work on me!
  8. some people with higher math skills should be able to calculate the weight of leas wire that is .030 diameter x 3 inches long or just get a gram scale at your local convenience or big box store and weigh up the differences
  9. heres a great tutorial of Greg Garcias Rojo Midge http://www.charliesflyboxinc.com/flybox/de...fm?parentID=120
  10. it used to be carried by feather craft but they no longer carry it
  11. heres some boxes for consideration http://www.tedpella.com/box_html/boxes.htm a lot of places use the paper slide boxes shown in the link i certainly wouldnt accept dry flies in an envelope, bubblepack or otherwise
  12. then use a dubbing loop. its actually a dubbing brush on a hook no need for expensive blocks
  13. i like it and it works for ME. dont like it, dont use it!
  14. try this. nothing comes apart!
  15. what happens if the rattle breaks?? the was an infomercial on tv showing something similar to that tape. claims to seal leaks in pipes.
  16. i live on the other end of connecticut from j stockard and it usuall takes a week plus to get an order. not very efficient for being 70 miles away. j stockard is NOT a brick and mortar store so driving there and picking it up is not an option.
  17. what is idk?? notice how the biots are tied in with the dark edge up on one side and down on the other side. should be the same on both sides. too many wraps of thread behind the bead i'd like to see the peacock herl covering the butt ends of the wings wings and tails too long
  18. probablly the best one on the internet http://www.charliesflyboxinc.com/flybox/de...fm?parentID=188
  19. i tie on an original late 80's traveller and have never had a problem with nor did i have a problem with the price what are you expecting from that vise or price? what would it be worth to you?
  20. i think the law vise is out as he is retired/retiring and wont be making any more
  21. any taxidermists, tu chapters or fly shops in new jersey?? take a sample of each item and head on over to them. they should help.
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