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Fly Tying


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Who would be interested in a weekly online tying contest? It would be very similar to the one on SEFFF and NGTO. You take two pics, one of the fly in progress and one of the finished fly. After the given time is up (anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days, depnds on what you guys think) we vote on the best fly. I don't have any prizes to offer so it would be for fun only. So who would be interested?

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that would be pretty cool (i say no Atlantic salmon flies)


The flies would be different each week. On NGTO this week the contest fly is "all synthetic fly" (any fly that only uses synthetics) and on SEFFF this week the fly is GRHE.

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I'll back the first one, Tyers with less than 2 years experience in aggregate tying. It will be judged on feed back from the users, but I have the final say on everything, winner will get at least 100 dry fly hooks, and 100 nymph hooks, and some assorted descent feathers probably trout like, but the winner will get to suggest what they like and what I have in my dungeon. The fly will be anything that incorporates Starling, or Pheasant feathers. If you can't photo your flies, you can PM me and we will figure something out, the dead line is the Saturday after Thanksgiving at 9 pm Mountain time.


Voting, vote one each tyer, one fly only, any style, nymph, emerger, dry, streamer etc. must contain one of the two materials, Starling or Pheasant and any other materials. Must be tied on a hook. Number of votes will be magically evened out, so post as soon as you are ready. I only need finished fly photos, but you can send as many, or inprogress photos as the forum currently allows.


Judging, please vote each fly, use the name of the tyer, and the fly, and a vote of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest that is perfection and beauty, 1 being, it will catch fish, but I am giggling a bit. No other comments, hype etc will be taken into consideration. If there is a tie or too close to call, I reserve the right to make the final decision. I will ask several distinguished posters to help, i.e. Fred H. Dart, Day5, Claudia, Old Hat, Service Tech, and others.


My game, my rules this time; I reserve the right to disqualify anyone for any reason of ungentlemanly or ungentle womanly honorable tying etiquette or fraudulence. Any cheaters will simply be ridiculed.


If the winner is outside the U.S. and the shipping, hassle etc is objectionable to me, I will find a way to wire, or send a monitary award equal to $50 U.S. currency, sorry I know that is not what it used to be, but I cannot help our present political economic situation. :-)


and FishinBub, I do not know your experience, but since it was your thread, Idea, etc, you get to either participate as a contestant or a judge, and we will see where this goes.


Cheers, and the best of luck, Futzer.

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If there is a tie or too close to call, I reserve the right to make the final decision. I will ask several distinguished posters to help, i.e. Fred H. Dart, Day5, Claudia, Old Hat, Service Tech, and others.


ROTFLMAO. <2 years experience, Futz. I can't judge... I was gonna enter! I need some o' dem hooks!

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Well I took a tying class 3 years ago, but I did not get "serious" (tying more than once or twice a month) in my tying until about this time last year. So you make the final call on that. I'd also like to do a weekly contest for fun that I can run, but your idea sounds awsome.

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If there is a tie or too close to call, I reserve the right to make the final decision. I will ask several distinguished posters to help, i.e. Fred H. Dart, Day5, Claudia, Old Hat, Service Tech, and others.


ROTFLMAO. <2 years experience, Futz. I can't judge... I was gonna enter! I need some o' dem hooks!



Well I took a tying class 3 years ago, but I did not get "serious" (tying more than once or twice a month) in my tying until about this time last year. So you make the final call on that. I'd also like to do a weekly contest for fun that I can run, but your idea sounds awsome.


Dart, I was expecting you to enter, and I have all rights to pick the winner, and you are fully expected to do your best work. I do however know you are a very good critique-er of detail, and may be asked to comment on entered flies, but fairness will dictate the advisors to the judge. If you are a finalist, you will be exempt as will anyone I ask to advise if they are participating. You may gather even a little more of my critisism on your entry, so be warned.



Fishing Bub et all, if you have been tying regularly for more than two years, please let the less experienced have their day, I am hoping this complements the hard thankless work Will "Smallie Hunter" puts in the FTOTY contest and gets a few people out that would not enter that one. I hope other tyers, especially ones that have production materials might put up a few hooks and feathers to help the newer tyers and make it fun. Honor and honesty are paramount.


If your bug looks too professional, I will ask questions that I know can make this fair. And agian FishingBub, this was your idea so you get to enter with no issue, but I do know that there are some pretty good new tyers that will challenge all of us posters, so keep tying finely.


Cheers, and thank you Fishing Bub for a fun idea. And I will put something up again as a prize, but probably after the New Year. Futzer.

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to any and all. There is a monthly contest on a site ,I think its called Hacklehead.The format is very simple

and easy to run. It might give you some ideas to help with your endevor.


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Is this gonna be a single contest or repeating? I'd like to be able to participant but I'm currently in the process of moving.

For now my hook/feather offer is single, with FishinBub's help it will begin its own life as a repeating contest, prizes will not be guaranteed at this time. This is ours, so if you'd like to judge or adminsitrate one, anyone feel free, to come up with an idea. hopefully tyers that can't participate fully with a swap or ones that want a challenge to learn will find this worth keeping going. So no official persons will manage this every time. I think FishingBub and I are looking for a grass roots, on going contest where it means a little something to win, even if that is the only prize. I hope this keeps fresh and fun, and not too difficult to manage.


Hope you can still find time to put a fly up.


Jeff aka Futzer.

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Thanks for the info. I'll have to see what I can do...I made sure my tying stuff was still accessible :D



That's the spirit, good luck. Futzer.

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to any and all. There is a monthly contest on a site ,I think its called Hacklehead.The format is very simple

and easy to run. It might give you some ideas to help with your endevor.




Thanks Fred, you are a wealth of info, and I did not know about Hacklehead. Futzer.

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