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Fly Tying


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  • Birthday 12/27/1974

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    Ann Arbor Michigan

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  1. I would like to let everyone know about our fly tying show. All are welcome if anyone is interested More information can be found at our website http://www.huronriver.org/symposium.html Also check out our facebook page http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=126865947377748 Highlighted tiers this year include Kevin Feenstra Greg Senyo Dennis Potter Bear Andrews Mike Schmidt John McLain Jerry Regan And many others Feel free to invite anyone who may be interested in fly tying via facebook or the real world Thanks
  2. Hey guys, Please check out the 5th Huron River Fly Tyers Symposium. A great time was had by all last year and many FTF members were in attendance. This year we will have a few FTF members tying as well. John McLain "Feathers MC" will also be in attendance tying salmon flies and hopefully selling his wares. We have moved locations this year to the Summit On The Park Conference Center in Canton, MI. This new location will allow us to accommodate up to 50 tiers. Thanks
  3. Hey guys, Please check out the 4th Huron River Fly Tiers Symposium. A great time was had by all last year and many FTF members were in attendance. This year we will have a few FTF members tying as well, including Mike Schmidt and Lloyd Whitfield on the vise tying classic wets. John McLain "Feathers MC" will also be in attendance tying salmon flies and hopefully selling his wares. Proceeds from this event go to posting of Catch and Release signs along the Huron River from Mast Rd. to East Delhi Rd. a Michigan DNR designated catch and release area for Large and Small Mouth Bass. Last years symposium was a great success and we raised enough funds to post 15 signs. This year we would like to post 15 more. Thanks for looking
  4. Mark, I just replied to your other posting and I actually like this fly even more. This one is really something unique. Willowhead style applied to MOM proportions. I hate to critique but the head doesn't look quite as nice as some of your other flies. (not bad but I have become used to seeing some really nice heads from you. Did you run out of Sally Hansens?) Artistically you are going were no one else has gone and that is the point of art isn't it? Thanks for posting this one.
  5. Mark, I really like this one. I have been sorta following your latest experimental stage and this fly seems a little more artistically refined than some of the others (not that your other flies aren't very nice). This fly has very nice proportions and an interesting color scheme. That bead really goes well with the other components. Thanks for posting it.
  6. Fun IS what it's all about. Hopefully you will be coming to our symposium again?
  7. This fly is interesting. That wing is something else and I think this is probably your best bead fly yet. That bead really looks nice with the other colors of this fly.
  8. Great fly Mark, Love the improv style. It's the most man. (Interesting to see the response on this section of the forum compared to other sections)
  9. Oh man, Those Woodrow's are beautiful
  10. Every last feather on a duck is useful. Skin and scrape the bird, rub with borax and repeat every couple of days. (duck skins are greasy.)
  11. As far as technique goes, everybody should own Dying and Bleaching by AK Best.
  12. Tie at least 6 of the same fly when you sit down at the vise. You will never get any better by skipping around and tying 1 of each different fly.
  13. Standard practice for hackling parachute dries is to use 1 size too big.
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