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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by TitanFlies

  1. He runs a guide service too. He'll answer all the questions you have, I' sure.
  2. Wrong. Only a southerner would use such barbaric language. An educated person uses the more proper "Youse guys". SOUTH. PRIDE. WORLDWIDE.
  3. It's not copyrighted until you pay it to be so! Mwahahaha, now I have my companies new name!
  4. Sculpin wool is really easy! The trick is to lash it onto the hook shank so it looks like you got Buckwheat in a headlock. After that, brush it frontwards (towards the eye) so it all stands up, and go in with a nice sharp pair of scissors and shape away, no razors neccessary!
  5. Fix the articulation. Loop it through the eye and tie the redundant to the main shank.
  6. I just tied up 12 classic and 12 chartruece Copper Johns.
  7. You can't tell me it isn't when I think it is. Opinions are never wrong because in my opinion they can't be. "It ain't so because I don't think it is," will never be a rational argument. But I guess there is no use continuing when it comes to that. If/when someone tries to challenge your opinions and beliefs, you will understand why people hold opinions in such high regard. If you're presented with 1 set of facts, Jan, there's no law or rule saying there can only be 1 opinion or conclusion produced from the said facts. You're basing your whole arguement of "getting set strait" on the notion of giving up your opinion and succumbing to someone else's. The idea of "'it ain't so...'" is suprisingly accurate on account that "it" doesn't have to be right or wrong or "it" doesn't have to appeal to anyone else but yourself. It is totally justifiable for one person to believe one thing when many people believe in something different. That's diversity for you and that's something that was promised to us in little documents entitled the United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Now that being said, I highly doubt we're going to reach a compromise so I'm going to pull the "agree to disagree" card here and walk away.
  8. Good choice, you won't regret it! Let me know how it works for you and post pictures when you get it! We fly tiers pride ourselves on our gadgets...
  9. Sorry, man. In this world, a man is entitled to very few things, his opinion being one of them. I just think it's worth fighting for.
  10. Spend $20 more and get the Dyna King Trekker. Click here
  11. Beautifly tied! You might want to wrap 2 hackles in the back and cross wrap them in order to extend the life of your leader. What kind of hair is that? Yearling?
  12. Consider this more or less a reccomendation. Anyone who lives by or in the Driftless region in Wisconsin/Illinois/Iowa should really to a pile of these for it's what the trout are munching on now and through May and June. It's a baetis nymph and it's sooooo easy to tie! Stress on the "easy" part. I reccomend a TMC 200R or a Mustad R74 sizes 16-20 with a 2.4 W bead. This is my trout box as of tonight. Looking a little skimpy but I have a few more weeks to fill it up. So far it contains some opal caddises, ants, Klinkhamer emergers, baetis nymphs, GRHE's, parachute BWO's and Adams and some experimental flies Dennis Potter gave to me. I think I'm going to add a couple dozen Copper Johns and maybe a few scuds but who knows... I know for sure I need to up my game in the nymph department - the amount I have is an embarrasment.
  13. You can't tell me it isn't when I think it is. Opinions are never wrong because in my opinion they can't be.
  14. We're not talking about a personal subject here, Blake. We are talking about an opinion about dry fly head cement. An opinion CAN be wrong. "Taint" is kind of a strong word. Example: Say if my opinion was that you could get Whiting's quality dry fly hackle off of any old chicken. That CAN be disproved because it is wrong. Whoever tells me it is wrong isn't "tainting" by beliefs, they are setting me strait. When we are talking about something more serious (and personal) like Political or Religious beliefs, than certainly no one can say you are "wrong." But that is a whole differant story. That whole thing is a one big opinion.
  15. Not aknowledging someone and saying that they're wrong are to different things. You said it yourself, opinions are personal beliefs. If someone is willing to taint a person's PERSONAL beliefs, I wouldn't much care for them and I doubt you would as well. Since opinions are personal, they are never wrong.
  16. So then where in this theoretical timeline does opinion and fact converge? Opinions, for a lack of a better word, are beliefs and anyone who tries to say that an opinion/belief is wrong, aren't all worth much to listen to. I've never even heard of the notion for dry fly head cement. I'm certaint that the amount of cement on the fly is such miniscual ithe fly isn't effected. Even the heaviest part of the fly (the hook) doesn't even sink the dry fly!
  17. Then it is my opinion that you're clinically insane. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and form of thinking no matter the dynamics.
  18. Hey Wray you offered an opinion and he told you what was wrong with it--isn't that kind of what you wanted? Opinions are never wrong, Jan!
  19. I want to get out of here. Online won't liberate me from the North Shore... 11 years of this place is long enough for me.
  20. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&saf...ly&gs_rfai=
  21. If I were to shoot one here in Chicago, I'd put a neighbor's window out...
  22. I don't see what Rob is complaining about... does anyone else? :pimp:
  23. Here's my fly shops vendor, listed are all the colors available. Onemorecast.com is his site... tell him Blake sent you. http://www.wapsifly.com/pdffiles/wap/page%2016.pdf
  24. UTC and Danvilles is the best!
  25. TitanFlies

    Ugly flies

    I see your side, and his side of the story. I think he's coming from the mind set of confidence. I have direct understanding of his point of view which is, "if you're confident in your fly, it will fish well". I try to get my flies to come out looking like the picture and if it's not, it gets tossed. Every fly that I do keep and tie on the river, I know that it meets the standards of ME and I'll be more confident when I fish. It's all a mind game I do believe .
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