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Fly Tying

Michigan Trout Guy

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About Michigan Trout Guy

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/17/1981

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    Rogue River in Michigan

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  1. Wow, A lot of suggestions there. Thanks guys. Looks like the "don't know what to tie" excuse just went right out the window. I think I'm going to have to sit down and have a little session some time this weekend.
  2. Nice flies. I wish I could tie like that. Curious as to what you used for the abdomen on the "daddy long legs." It looks like a pipe cleaner maybe? :dunno:
  3. Hey everyone, I have been neglecting my tying, fishing and unfortunately this site for a good year now. I can't remember the last time I tied a fly. I got really crazy with school and work and just did not make the time. But, I want to get back in the groove of things, and I need some ideas for patterns to tie. What are your favorite trout streamer patterns? Hmm, I might just have to start a trout streamer swap in the near future.
  4. "Something makes me think he would be the guy in the red on the end." You can't blame the guy in the red. He stood there and watched five or six guys stand there and take it in the nuts from some mideivel-looking contraption. I probably would have acted the same way. Did you see those smacking devices? They put some thought into those. They had leather pieces on the end like you would see a jockey whipping a horse with in the Kentucky Derby, I suppose as not to crush the boys...just give em a healthy slap. Also, they seemed to be on some kind of remote release devices. Man...the Japanese have really mastered the art of nut smackin'
  5. This has absolutely nothing to do with fly tying or fishing, but you guys have to see this. I don't think I'll be signing up for this show any time soon. Japanese Game Show
  6. Congratulations Rick!!! That's great to hear! You'll have to keep us posted on the sex. I'm keepin my fingers crossed for a boy for ya buddy. You need some more testosterone in that house. MTG
  7. Yeah, I'm with you day5. We just recently started seeing good numbers of fish around here. We still have not really seen any on their beds yet. We usually go just before and normally an hour after dark, and we're just not seeing many, if any fish holding in the shallow gravel yet. If they are spawning now, shouldn't we be able to see some that are, for the most part sticking to one spot on gravel? Most of the fish we are seeing seem like they are just moving through. And we can't get a damn one of them to take our flies!!! The fall run of steelhead is another thing I was wondering about. Do they come up in the fall to spawn, or what? :dunno: Do we get a decent fall steelhead run here in SW MI?
  8. Hi, I'm new to this site and I was just wondering what seems to be some good flies to use for salmon. I normally fish in the rogue river in Grand Rapids and it still seems to be early for salmon. :dunno:
  9. Welcome binford. That shore is a purdy lookin cricket. Look forward to seeing some more of your flies.
  10. I don't think the Rogue ever received blue ribbon status. There certainly are a lot of idiots on the Rogue. Especially around this time of year. Myself and a new member to the forum, LovesRedSnapper are there at least three to four times a week. I will be keeping my eye out for this moron. Sage, we should get together some time and hit up the Rogue. I don't know if you've been there recently, but there are some decent numbers of salmon in there now. LovesRedSnapper and I were there last night, and while we were in a fairly shallow riffle, we saw a decent little sized pod moving through. The only challenge is finding a hole that's holding fish, but isn't holding three or four other fisherman. PM me if you've got some time this weekend, and maybe we could work something out. MTG
  11. Hey guys, Dan's one of my good friends. He's from Grand Rapids too. Will, there's red snapper in every state. You can usually see them jogging down the side of the road in very short shorts on warm days. :devil:
  12. :yahoo: Hey everyone! Well, this swap has finally been completed. The flies went out at lunch time today, and you should all be receiving them soon. We had some really cool flies tied for this swap, and I'm sure you're all going to love them as much as I do. Great job everybody, and thanks to all for participating. :headbang:
  13. :yahoo: Great news!! Joe Hard's flies have arrived! That completes our swap, so like I mentioned earlier, since I've got the salmon outing on the PM this weekend, they should be sorted and mailed out early next week. Thanks again for the extras Joe. I love em! :headbang:
  14. :yahoo: Got my cap today! Looks and fits great. Thanks Will.
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