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Fly Tying


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About cphubert

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  • Birthday 08/29/1954

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  1. opened the mailbox today to find a nice selection of caddis flies. Bob, thank you for one of Sharons coasters it will hold a special spot on my bench. Another great caddis for Christmas swap
  2. Merry Christmas, I opened a nice box of flies from North Caddis and a few from Norm with some materials. Thank you, Nick, for this and the past years Christmas swap. Hope to get a few wet before the new year!
  3. Great question for a biologist, Keep an eye on NY's Saranac & Maine's Edes Falls (2023&2024) projects. In NY's Boquet they reestablished to boost their low numbers (2019) time will tell but they fish the Bouet's run. USFW has put a lot into restoring Champlain's (NY & VT) waters. MA has a broodstock to work with if needed
  4. That is great news it is amazing how fast rivers can recover after dam removal. I was on the fence about my 2025 MA freshwater license looks like I will renew
  5. Nice work everyone I need to get my camera issue fixed- waiting for family electronic support to get back posting pictures
  6. moth balls in shoeboxes with locking lids on bench, moth balls in hard suitcases for bulk storage. only had one infestation years ago with a bargain used neck, I find used suitcases and boxes at tag sales cheap but clean them first.
  7. I have decided to help you poor fellows out, I will buy your excess materials for what you told your wife you paid for them😁 personally I have come to grips with my excess material inventory and now see it as a storage challenge and possibly a disorder that I will be applying for a grant to study. I need to reorganize or reinvent my mobile tying material set up, finished my mobile tool and bench this year everything needs to go in the bed of the truck with room for the cot (8 foot bed with tall contractor cap)
  8. I'm a southpaw my favorite vise is the Nor-vise and the dyna king pro. I had a regal that I sold, never tied on a Renzetti so I cannot comment
  9. I'll take Salmon fishing on the Bonaventure for $20, give or take a few G notes. You see know how to send me daydreaming -won't get much done today!
  10. cphubert

    New car

    Nice car Norm your right about the tech on them I'm still learning things and amazed on last year's model truck
  11. x2, hope to get measurable ice this winter or I'll be traveling north
  12. Should be in the mail on Monday having camera update issues most likely operator malfunctioning
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