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Fly Tying


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About Peddler

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    N.C. by way of S/E Michigan
  1. Oops! I meant coq de Leon and not cul de canard.
  2. Except for the tiniest of flies I feel microfibbets are too fine to represent mayfly tails. Sure I can use more than one per tail but then whats the point? I use cul de canard and other feather products got tails but would really like to find maxifibbets. Something thick enough to really represent mayfly tails but is also durable, floats and readily and cheaply available. So you know, I find paint brush bristles so stiff the fly can be pushed out of the fishs mouth. China boar bristles are just about perfect but theres way too much waste picking out those with split ends. What is your favorite tailing material for medium to large bmayflies? Thanks
  3. Though I haven't checked every paint brush made, those I have looked at had ragged ends, hardly any taper or were so stiff that I'm sure they would prevent many a hook up by not flexing enough when hit by a fish. I haven't taken a mic to fibbets or to mayfly tales, the naked eye is good enough for me to see the difference. I have bunched microfibbets to get a size that I like but have always wondered why the need to do that when a change in the manufacturing process might yield a variety of fibbet sizes. Most everything else in fly tying is sized for the purpose. I use spade hackle and coq de leon for tails now but think there might be room on quite a few tying desks for right-sized fibbets if someone could come up with them. Thanks for the replies.
  4. I guess it's now safe to add another 10 years to that post I made here from 2004. Sheeesh I'm getting old!
  5. I have a feeling the 'other' category will get popular with those who have yet to vote because Veevus isn't listed. I've heard Bennechi might be getting scarce so thank goodness Veevus is around to save the day!
  6. I really like the idea behind microfibbets, the durability, taper and colors but the problem I have with them is in the name... 'micro'! All but the dinkiest of mayflies have tails of a much larger diameter than microfibbets. Does anyone on this planet know where to find some fibbets that are more true-to actual mayfly tail size? Okay, while I'm taking size, does anyone know if anyone carries large round rubber legs in white? They too seem to be in short supply if available at all. Thanks
  7. I use a variety of bobbins but reach more and more for any with a solid ceramic tube. I save the bobbins with inserts (ruby) for heavy and tough thread but for trout flies I always grab the ceramic jobbies. I like the ceramic because they're so smooth and durable (as long as they're not dropped) but because the tube fits into the hook gap on most hooks and allows much better thread control for me.
  8. I've been using a Renzetti Presentation 4000 true rotary since the early '80's. Prior to that I used a Griffin 1A. I would have been using a Traveler after the 1A but either my wife or the owner of that shop in Northville, or both, are the smartest people in the world. I wrap material, lead and wire with it all the time. The wraps end up nice and tight and consistent unlike when I wrap by hand. In fact, at a tying class our club held just this week some of the students had true rotary vises but were wrapping by hand like the lead instructor did. When I showed them how to use the rotary feature their wraps cleaned right up. I recently became the owner of a Norvise, another true rotary but with turbo-spin. This thing will take some doing to get cozy with. Whether it's because I'm used to using a conventional vise or because it is so different it will take a lot of patience and time to get me to be comfortable on it. Dubbing on it is a breeze and I am really intrigued with the videos on making dubbing brushes. The automatic bobbin is a remarkable piece of work that I'm just starting to get used to working with but so far it rocks.
  9. Is it just me or do micro fibbets seem far too thin and not really to scale with the tails on real mayfly's? Is there such an animal as Maxi or even normal fibbets? I have clusters of the dainty micro fibbets and am looking for something a bit more substantial. If paint brish bristles, is there a particulat brand and type of brush you favor? Thanks, Jack
  10. Can anyone suggest material to use for crane fly legs? Knotted pheasant tail fibers have been suggested but my fingers just ain't built right for doing that! I have been using deer hair but that stuff just doesn't last for fishing. I'm looking for something somewhat life-like that is durable. Thanks!
  11. Steve, Steve, Steve... You got me! I'm in. After that last class of good 'urns we had at the Salisbury vets hospital how can I resist. Just promise, no laughing! Best regards, Jack
  12. Trouble emptying your vice scrap bag? With the original design you had to spin the entire frame to unscrew it and empty it. Just drill the threaded hole on the frame oversized and add a wing nut!
  13. I received a nice batch of wood duck feathers that I would like to lighten in color then dye sulfur colored. I don't have the foggiest idea on where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated and will bring nothing but good karma down on your head!
  14. I got a hint from watching Enrico Pugliesi tie at a show in Charlotte several years ago. He puts a small piece of the hook side of Velcro on his base. I used the adhesive backed Velcro to attach it. You would not believe how handy this thing is for holding small amounts of fur or hair and for combing out small hair flies when finished. It's dirt cheap and very handy!
  15. Peddler

    Line cleaner

    Joe, which side of the 3M pad does the sponge duplicate? The light grey side on the 3M pad is the working side. It's the micro-abrasives in it that bring a new surface to SA AST lines. I can't picture the sponge you wrote of. Thanks!
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