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Fly Tying


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About petelangevin

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday February 3

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    somerville ma

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  1. Sad thing is the law vise could be purchased for 450$ back when he was making them.
  2. petelangevin


    Tried that, weeks ago. It was worth asking.
  3. petelangevin


    Anyone know the admin at flyanglersonline? I have had an account there for years but got locked out recently and it now does not recognize my email. Any help would be appreciated. pete
  4. Luckily i only needed some 3n1 oil. No new o rings or springs. Its complicated but simple at its most basic level.
  5. Send the webmaster a note, he will tell you whats still available.
  6. His site is up, but dont expect immediate response. His webmaster runs the show. I believe there is still product available but no idea of quantities. I have two bags i bought from Jack years ago but I won’t part with them.
  7. Its funny but today i had to break down my Norvise to its basic parts and oil up the bearings. It was very sluggish. Spins much better now.
  8. More foam flies, having fun. Anytime at the vise is good. Love seeing the great work you all do.
  9. You might want to do more colors , some people tie with multiple thread sizes.
  10. Another big gurgler 1/0 mustad 34011 6mm black craft foam white bucktail black/blue squimpish hair darice clear fringe type chenille White saddle 210 danville flymaster plus. that foam is really stiff. Broke thread off 2x lashing it to the hook. Should float really well.
  11. Yes they are I bought a bunch of these when the sports shop on mass ave in cambridge went out of business.
  12. I use the ez mini hook. Holds great. Cheap too.
  13. Gurgler tied with squimpish hair and foam from Mr Gartside himself.
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