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Fly Tying


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  • Birthday 09/18/1968

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    ont, canada

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  1. LOL I will not CLEAN my DESK If i leave to much out its gets in the way ; O and the dog she loves deer hair And elk and what ever eles she can get in her mouth :)
  2. I like it because i can mount it to the Base or the Stem of the vice . The magnetic base can be removed by a trun of the switch. Not only can i use it as a profile plate but i can all put a mirror on it .! And why a mirror you ask ...for salmon flies or anyother fly that you want to have good Symmetry It realy does help
  3. I needed ..Wanted a profile plate So i made one out of a Universal Magnetic Base. you can get at princessauto for 40 .00. And foam for a 1 at the any dollar store http://www.princessauto.com/pal/product/8372120/Magnetic-%26-Deflection-Acc/Universal-Magnetic-Base and you can change the color plates to what ever you want .And on any angle:) I thought i would share my little creation
  4. thats looks like REALY nice place to BE !!!
  5. GOLDEN DEMON: HOOK:Wet fly or steamer,3x 4x THREAD: black 6/0 TAIL: Golden pheasant crest feathers ( I used yellow fish scale by H20 and yellow schlappen fibers ) BODY: Golde flat mylar tinsel THROAT: Soft orange saddle or schlappen fibers (I used schlappen ) WING: Red fox squirrel tail
  6. Not at all.I have tied it with both moose and deer hair.
  7. Improved Sofa Pillows: HOOK: 4x long,size 4-10 THREAD: BLACK TAIL: Natural elk hair RIB: Brown hackle, undersize BODY:Orange wool yarn WING: Natural elk hair HACKLE: Two brown saddle hackles
  8. X Caddis: HOOK: Dry fly,size 12-18 THREAD: Black TAIL: Gold Z-ion BODY: Antron Dubbing WING: Natural deer hair HEAD: Wing buts clipped short
  9. Dark Cahill: Hook: Wet fly,size 10 to 18 Thread: Black Tail: Dark ginger hackle fibers Body: Dark gray muskrat fur Hackle: Dark ginger Wing: Wood duck flank
  10. This is a variation of a MIKULAK SEDGE HOOK: Dry fly 2x long,sizes 6-16 Thread: to match body color Tail: Elk body hair,stacked one -third of shank lengh Body: Seals fur (i used HARES EARS PLUS ) Wing:Elk body hair, in two applications Hackle: rooster, trimmed top and bottom ( I used ginger )
  11. I get the Mustad from one of my wholesaler's its a R50-94840 size 28
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