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Fly Tying


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About Infrared

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    Dirty Jerzey
  1. Im done. Can you PM the address?
  2. Im in. Ill tie some Foam Cicadas. Does the fly have to be ALL foam? Is it okay if there is a little bit of hair?
  3. Are the pictures supposed to be submitted anonymously?
  4. As some of you may know, i recently broke my arm, which forced me out of a swap, and hindered my fishing for about two weeks. During that time, i decided to scope out a pond near me. I live in a very suburban part of NJ (bergen county) , and resedential development has destroyed many ponds and increased pollution (not by much, though). When i reached the pond, i saw fins sticking up out of the water, which reminded me of bonefish. Upon closer inspection, i realized that these were carp. I looked around on the net, and found that Carp on the Fly Rod is just like redfish. I have since decided to return to that pond and try to catch some carp. Because I'm new, i have a few questions for the experts here. 1) What sort of flies should I use? Instructions on how to tie them would be nice. 2) I have a 8 wt. rod. The carp seem to be about 5-10 pounds. I think this should be more than enough to handle these, but how much backing should i use? Thanks in advance.
  5. Im afraid im going to have to drop out of thsi swap. I recently broke m,y right arm in two places, and its in a huge cast. I cant tei any flies for the next 2 motnhs. Im really sorry about this. I tried tying lefty, but its impossible.
  6. Ok, if they must be hair streamers, i will do a mickey finn. If they can be egg patterns, tho, ill do a beaded egg cluster
  7. Hm... I think i will tie a Stimulator, they always work for salmon back hurr on the east coast.
  8. Is it okay if it has a little bit of foam in it? If so, then im in. Ill tie a "Foamy Stimulator" (yeah, i know, the name is weird, but w/e)
  9. Yep, it floats, its just much thinner than 2mm foam (razor foam is 1mm or 0.5mm)
  10. Wow, thanks for the quick response. I didnt think anyone else would be up this late. I never thought of applying anything to the feathers.
  11. Kool Aide and RIT dye are both amazing dyes. I also use RIT dye for dying my Lacrosse heads, but thats neither here nor there.
  12. I like to use it in Elk Hair Caddises. Its virtually impossible to sink, i left one in a glass jar, and it floated for a good ten hours. Then, i almost drank it, so i decided it would be safer to end the experiment
  13. In patterns like Harrison Steeves Crystal Butt Hopper, it calls for "mottled turkey fibers.". Im not exaclty sure what "mottling" is, but when i tie in the feathers, they always fall apart. Any help with this? Thanks
  14. Ill take some, if its no trouble. I can send you a SASE-d package, if thats easier for you. Thanks in advance.
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