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Fly Tying
Marty Howard

Orange and Yellow Dee

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I have been working on some floss bodies. I am not sure I like the counter wrap but it does make for a more durable fly. Thanks for looking.


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Looking good Marty. You could use wire to counterwrap , wouldn`t be so noticeable if you`re worried about appearances

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Looks good Marty. You could use mono for the rib too. Or start the body up the shank more to keep the stem aeway from the fishes mouth a little more. Keep em' coming beautiful work

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Awww man.........thass a killer Dee. Fantastic tye and design...........LOVE it. And btw, my JC Nails sometimes end up a bit curved that way as well.......as opposed to laying flat and straight down.......but i like it. I think it's cause i get in a hurry and forget to flatten the rachis before i tye 'em in.......but who cares. I think the little curve inward is cool. And you "know" the fish don't give a hoot.


Just in case you don't know.....nails off a JC neck go on the opposite side (of a fly), from the way a feather or silps (are matched off a quill) go on a fly normally. Lemme see.....hope i get this right. Left side of the neck, far side of the fly for a right handed tyer. Right side of the neck, near side of the fly for a right handed tyer.


Do i have that right?.......think so........but half the time, i get 'em mixed up before i ever get 'em tyed in. :hyst: Can't take this stuff TO seriously. But it does suck when you try it 4 times before you realize you've got the dang nail on the wrong side. :wallbash: :lol: :help: :nopity: :crazy: :cheers:

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Guy’s thanks for the kind words, your positive impute is appreciated. I guess I need to communicate a little better. When talking about the counter wraps it was more on the side of not liking the look of a counter wrap. I am more of a 5 turns of rib kind of guy. On some flies like a Lady Caroline I really like the counter wrap look but on some it’s just way too much. I like the mono idea to make the flies more durable, I will have to give that a try.


Willowhead – thanks for the constructive impute, you are spot on in your recommendation only thing, I had to look through 7 capes to find that pair of feathers. I was looking for a curved feather to cup the hackle and flow more in the direction of the fly. I wanted it to match the shape of the wings as to not distract from the shape of the fly. You will find with my tying that I am not a follow the rules kind of tier. I can copy flies but I enjoy painting my own. Tying flies is an expression of ones self and there is no better style of flies than steelhead flies to demonstrate you personality and style. Now if you would have said that my king fisher feathers are not the same size or there are too many ribs over the yellow floss or I got some glue on the wing or I could have taken the tag down one more turn I would have had to agree with you. But in all seriousness I do appreciate your impute because it helps more than just me and the next time I go to set the J.C. you know I will be thinking of the Left side of the neck, far side of the fly for a right handed tier. Right side of the neck, near side of the fly for a right handed tier rule.


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Marty: Beautiful fly. I agree with you on the counterwrap. The X pattern just doesn't look as good to me as a regular rib.




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Just my personal prefferance, but less wraps and smaller tinsel would be the way to set it off, I used to tie with lot's of tinsel. A larger tinsel for the hackle wrap and maybe a wire to counter wrap, is my prefference. Counterwraps fish really well. Otherwise beautiful fly!!



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Marty, i really LOVE your fly. It's a great tye. It's so funny that you mentioned the tag as one example of what you may have agreed with if i had mentioned shortening it. See, i have a thing about tags...........i LOVE 'em long. But, i actually did feel that this one could of been just a tad shorter. But that's only somethin' i felt in this particular case, cause i really LOVE long tags generally speakin'. For me, Spey flies look great when you leave a lotta hook showin'..........it's traditional but BELIEVE me............i agree wholeheartedly with your over-all philosophy and i'm commin' from exactly the same place. I don't tye almost anything according to recipes and or patterns or strict rules or traditions...............other than to "somewhat" stick to pretty much traditional proportions.............just as a nood to the past. I guess that's why i like REALLY LONG hooks so much..........cause you can stop at the point of the hook and still get a lot in the fly. Plus, when you use beads..............well, nuff said? Specially REALLY LONG beads. :D Anyway, i'm really lookin' forward to seein' more flies from you. You got a nice style. And forget anything i said bout shortening tags. :P One question: how many hackles in/on that fly? mark..... ;) p.s. i c your in Utah........did you happen to make the show in Idaho Falls a couple weeks back? My wife and i were tyin' there.

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Did not make it to Idaho but will for sure next year. Two Hackles, one orange and one yellow. I wish I had more time to tie right now but the fishing (trout) is really turning on.

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